Another week and some great deals on fresh fruit, Cantaloupe for 1 dollar, 1.99 lb for strawberries, and 2 mangoes for 1 dollar, gotta love this time of year. We’ve almost eaten all the strawberries already they are sooooo good. With 2 large container of coffee, wine, veg oil and tons of fresh fruit I was still under bugets by .15 cents, I really love that.
1lb Strawberries 1.99
Avocados 1.00
Cantaloupe 1.00
Bananas 1.16
Mango’s 1.00
Celery 1.36
Carrots 1.67
Onions 1.50
Garlic .60
Vegetable oil 3.29
Stuffing Mix .89
2 Maxwell Coffee 12.98 (-2.00 Coupon)
Cranberry sauce .88
Black beans .59
Green beans .57
SOB Wine 3.49 (On clearance)
2 Gallons Milk 5.38
Kraft American Singles 3.29 (-1.00 Man coupon)
Lunch Meat 3.18 (Purchase)
Oreo Cakester .89 (free after purchase)
Kool-Aid sticks 2.17 (free after purchase)
Honey wheat Bread 1.99 (free after purchase)
Potato Chips 1.09 (free after purchase)
Muenster Cheese 2.50
Yogurt 1.00
Lentils .74
Potato Chips 1.00
Snack Mix 1.50
= 58.99
-9.14 coupons
= 49.85
For more weekly shopping savings Check out The Grocery Cart Challenge, Money Saving Mom and Life as Mom

How is it possible that you do not have strawberries in that garden of yours??