I had my 17 weeks ultrasound appointment yesterday and we were able to find out the sex of Baby A.
Baby A is a boy! He was measuring 6 oz. and about 6 inches from crown to rump, his heartbeat was 154. Each baby has it’s own placenta and seems to be growing just perfectly.
Baby B was being a bit coy and we could never get a clear shot of the goods. So we will have to wait until our next ultrasound at 20 weeks to, hopefully, find out.
Baby B was measuring 7 oz. and about 6 inches from crown to rump, had a heartbeat of 148, and looked perfectly healthy and is very active.
I loved this little foot picture of baby B.
As far as how I am doing, pretty good. I was 17 weeks on Wednesday and am really starting to get bigger each day. I am just now feeling the babies move a little bit here and there, and it really is the coolest feeling in the world. I am eating normally again and my energy levels are coming back so hopefully I will start posting a little more often.
We have lots to do to get our home and baby room ready for the new arrivals. Right now the babies room is our office and which we will move to our sun room. Not much has been done at this point so I need to get a move on it!

Yay for two healthy growing babies!!! Hope the next 23wks go by fast and well
So happy for you! In the 38 yrs I have lived on our street – the majority of little ones have been boys – so you are right in line — BUT I will keep my fingers crossed for Little B to be pink.