Do you ever get a craving for a really great Margarita? You have got to try this, it’s called a Texas-tini. Texas-tini Why you might ask?; well because it is a blend of the ever delicious margarita but stronger like a Martini. Why Texas?, because I am kick ass like that. Just try it ok, then you will know Texas-tini’s are kick ass!
Woo, I am feeling feisty today! ha!
No really I got this recipe from my kick ass Aunt Sannie (there I go again) several years ago and have been craving it ever since. So I am so happy to be in possession of this recipe and now I can whip one up at my leisure.
2 Shots of tequila, 1 shot triple sec or grand marnier, 2 shot’s sweet and sour, 1 shot orange juice, 1/2 squeezed lime, splash of sprite, salt and olives for garnish
Start off with tall shaker half full of ice
Add tequila, triple sec, sweet & sour, and orange juice
Roll lime like this to get more juice, cut in half and use a fork to get out more juice
pour in splash of sprite
And Shake good!!!!
Pour into salted rim glass, easiest way to do this is to use the cute lime to wet the edge of the glass and dip the glass into salt
Garnish with olives and enjoy!! Trust me you will enjoy this!
In a cocktail shaker, put
½ c. ice
2 oz. tequila
1 oz. triple sec (orange-flavored liquor)
2 oz. sweet and sour cocktail mix
1 oz. orange juice
Juice of ½ lime-freshly squeezed
Splash of sprite (or 7-Up)
Put top on cocktail shaker and shake, shake, shake. Strain drink
into martini glass and garnish with 2 large cocktail olives on a long cocktail
toothpick. Enjoy!

Thanks for the Texas Tini recipe…just had one in VEGAS..hugs to DT Sweetpea & hooligans…I’m an identical twin..& my precious sister is the delight of my son’s…all 3 of them call her Aunt Mama!
She has them programmed to respond to her…as she enters any place they are…and beckons of “Who loves ya Baby?”
At which time…all 3 reply in unison at the top of their now 13, 10, & 5 lungs reply….”AUNTMAMA!”