Boys of Summer 2015

Exactly 2 years ago I took pictures of my boys in our backyard. It was hot and sticky and the boys squinted and I recruited my mom to help. But I took one of my favorite all time photos of my boys that day. Awe, they all look so very wittle. Well 2 years have […]
2 year old photos in the sandbox

So I was going to take 2 year photos of my boys, but in typical photographer’s child syndrome; I hadn’t planned it yet and was blanking on ideas, and outfits. SO I decided to keep it easy, in the backyard, unposed, playing, in their old onesies, barefooted, digging in sand. This is typical for my […]
C and G’s 2nd Birthday Party

It happened, the babies turned 2. AND reluctantly we had a birthday party for them, like all good parents do. I kid, I kid. But just an emotional momma who doesn’t like when her kids get older. Nothing new here. The theme was Elmo and Cookie Monster, just like big brother’s 2nd birthday. The cake […]
A trip to the park

I am a wimp…… This post is suppose to be about my babies going to a wonderful new park for the first time and loving every second of it, which they did as the photos will show. But as I sit here to write, I have a lump the size of Texas in my throat […]
Carnival Lights

We took the boys camping a couple of weeks ago and they were having a carnival, so of course we had to go. The bigs had a blast, and the littles too. We rode rides, at carnival food and petted the animals. A fun friday night for sure. They were tall enough to ride the […]
Sneaky Snacks

So the other day the babies were playing out side and I was feeding the chickens and I walked up to this scene (of course I ran for my camera). What you are looking at is not a trash can, but the dog food can. The babies managed to push their wagon over to it, […]
A day in the life

I recently watched a photography class that was all about documentary style photography and day in the life photos that tell a story. I love love love these style of photos and think it’s a neat way to capture your life now, and finding the beauty in the everyday little things of life. Especially […]
G and C Cake Smash Photo Session

It has been an eventful 1st birthday for G and C. It started with the babies having colds, runny noses and red eyes and major case of the fussies. Not the birthday I had planned which included a cake smash photo session that was delayed. This morning they were feeling a little better or so […]
Playing in the backyard

The nice weather and longer days make it nice for us to enjoy some playtime after dinner in the evenings. The babies love going outside to explore and play. The worn out old cozy coupe was the item of choice last night. Which also brings to mind an old picture of the bigs playing in the […]
G and C 11 months update

A little past due on our 11 month update, but here I am, and I am doing it today. I think part of me doesn’t want to acknowledge that the babies are 11 months old, so if I skip the update it isn’t true, right? Moving along…. It astonishes me to this day just how much 2 […]