A Weekend at Home

The Memorial Day holiday has me all confused, so I missed Menu Plan Monday, and my usual recipe on Tuesdays. We spent the weekend at home, oh was it a glorious weekend. Lots of playing outside, enjoying the hot weather, playing with the boys and cooking from the garden. The boys loved playing on the slip […]
Pie Pumpkins, Butternut Squash and Acorn Squash

The garden was in major need or grooming and we DT first weeded, picked, pulled everything except, the okra and peppers. This Texas heat is almost unbearably hott, oh who am I kidding it is unbearably hot. But somehow my sweet husband DT can tough it out to work on the garden. He loves his […]
Our garden is finally giving up

Its that time of year in Texas with the 100 degree days and a severe drought, our garden is finally giving up. I must say I am not all that upset. After months of constant picking, watering , weeding, (courtesy of DT) cooking, eating, freezing, and canning, I am ready for a break. Our harvest […]
Summer Garden week 18

I have missed a few weeks from posting our garden, because in this Texas summer heat mostly everything has started to shrivel up and die. Our cucumbers are gone, and few tomatoes plants. But our Okra, and peppers are thriving, I mean thriving. Our okra plants are literally as tall as I am. They had […]
The view through my lens

Last Saturday started off as any normal day but now I am armed with a new camera, and couldn’t be happier than a kid in a candy store. Seriously I think I have a problem. I take picture after picture, who cares about laundry, or cooking. I just want to take pictures, of anything and […]
Fruits of our labors

I am not posting weekly garden pictures this week, because we’ve had some rather exciting new that I had to share, so this post will be a discombobulation of our weekly happenings. Oh also remember I warned you on my picture obsession? This post will not disappoint. We’ve had a rather fruitful week yet again, […]
Summer Garden Week 14

I have skipped the past 2 weeks of garden post and during that time our garden has absolutely exploded, I mean exploded with produce, yesterday I picked no less than 30 tomatoes, yes I said 30 tomatoes. I am running out of ideas here, any one have any? I think I am going to make […]
the only "writing" I really do

Over my entire school career (excluding college) when given a writing assignment I would scribble it out in less than 10 minutes, once I knew what I was going to write I had no problem but to write it out fast and I mean I can write fast. I wanted to get it over with as […]
Summer Garden week 11

The weather here in Southeast Texas has been perfect for growing summer veggies, one comment I seem to get most often is how we are already so far along with our garden and most living in northern states are just planting. Well that is because here near the gulf coast during July and August it […]
Summer Garden week 10

I spent the majority of last weekend, blanching and freezing green beans and squash. Now don’t get me wrong I love having fresh vegetables and I will love having them in the freezer ready for my use at any time. But its so easy to feel just a bit overwhelmed by the massive amounts that […]