Fall and Halloween Mini Sessions

I really love the idea of the quick, mini-session photo shoots. They are so fun to plan and I get a little too excited about them. I decided to do a Fall and Halloween mini-session together, all at once, yep, I might be a little crazy. Trying to get my 4 boys to take photos […]
Chocolate Chip Pumpkin Muffins

It’s no secret that I love pumpkin. So, when I had the babies, my sweet sister-in-law Christie made a batch of these lovelies for me or maybe the whole family, but I hoarded these like no other, and seriously ate them all myself. (insert evil laugh) Of course, I asked for the recipe and craved them […]
Crazy About Pumpkin… recipes…

I have no new recipe for you guys today. And let’s be honest, if I did it would probably be a pumpkin recipe. And I know so many of you share my passion for all things Pumpkin so I thought I would fuel that flame with you some of my most favorite pumpkin recipes. Sweets […]
Pumpkin Beer Taste Test

After weeks of planning and looking for pumpkin beers, we were able to find 5 pumpkin beers and 3 autumn beers to taste test. We gathered the testers for our first annual Pumpkin beer taste test. Mom, Christie, Patti and I were the lucky and thirsty judges. I printed off some official beer scoring sheets […]
Pumpkin Yogurt

This recipe is so ridiculously easy, I can’t believe I even took pictures of the process, but I guess old habits die hard. So you know those recipes that call for 1 cup of pureed pumpkin, and then you have leftovers, that you just can’t bare with throwing away, well don’t. Save that pumpkin. I’ve […]
Pull Apart Pumpkin Cinnamon Bread

Pin It *If you like recipes like these be sure to stop by my new E-cookbook E-licious and use code BREAD50 to get the book 50% off ,making it only $2.50 for over 45 recipes!* It’s a little early for my pumpkin obsession phase to start, but it is in full swing, and it doesn’t […]
Pumpkin Enchiladas

This recipe is featured in my E-licious E-cookbook, stop by to see more details about the e-book and over 45 yummy recipes. Pin It I love trying new foods, experimenting with the unusual combinations of food. Just ask DT. Pumpkin tends to be one of my star ingredients, I think I already have 11 pumpkin recipes […]
Pumpkin Pie Cocktail

Today is the last day of Holiday Treats week, I am so happy with the wonderful response and links you all have shared. I am sure my hips will thank me later… I decided to share this Pumpkin Pie cocktail recipe I found from a blogging friend of mine Susie’s Homemade. With my love for […]
Pumpkin carving with 2 year olds

Yesterday the boys, Mom and I started a new tradition, we carved pumpkins. Can you believe I have lived for 28 years never to have carved a pumpkin? Well not anymore. We started off cutting the tops off and scraping seeds, Little H was was handy with his small spoon and tiny pumpkin. *notice the […]
Pumpkin Spice Latte

It’s pumpkin time here at Newlyweds blog and I had to try this yummy recipe I’ve seen floating around the Internets. And since my closest Starbucks is at least 45 minute drive away, I figure, what the hey, I’ll make it at home. So glad I did, because not only was it a pick me […]