36 weeks and Bed rest

Well, I’ve made it this far, the babies can come NOW…… did you hear that little ones? Now is the time. Pregnancy is no joke people. Those who just glide through and love every minute of it, I might just punch in the face. SO, if that was you, keep it to yourself. Ok? Thanks. Grumpy […]
Maternity Pictures

I put off getting pictures taken long enough, I am officially 32 weeks along in these pictures and wow is time flying. I wanted to take some special family maternity pictures and I think they turned out so great. I will cherish these for a lifetime. Sorry for the major photobomb, but I love them […]
24 weeks update

Last Friday we had our 24 week ultrasound with Maternal Fetal Medicine. I go to them every 4 weeks for a in-depth ultrasound and then an appointment with my regular OB, usually a week later. They work together to give me and the babies the very best care possible. The babies are growing fantastically, like […]
20 weeks update

Last week we had our 20 weeks anatomy scan of the babies and we were able to get a clear view of both the babies, all parts. And we are excited to say we are having TWO boys. Yep, future mom of 4 boys here. It’s crazy to say. I am about 22 weeks along […]
They are!?

I had my 17 weeks ultrasound appointment yesterday and we were able to find out the sex of Baby A. Baby A is a boy! He was measuring 6 oz. and about 6 inches from crown to rump, his heartbeat was 154. Each baby has it’s own placenta and seems to be growing just perfectly. […]
11 weeks update

It’s been a few weeks since I’ve done an update on my blog or any post on my blog. No worries, I am doing well, just now emerging from the 1st trimester fog. The past week or so I’ve been feeling much better, except for this nasty cold I have, but at least not quite […]
Here we go AGAIN??

You might be wondering why I’ve been so quiet on the blog lately. Or you might have guessed. It seems as soon as I get a positive pregnancy test, blogging is the first thing to go. Yep, we are pregnant again. I’ve been feeling the normal first trimester tired-ness, constant nausea, food and smell aversions. […]
Without the rain there would be no rainbow

It’s been 10 months since my molar pregnancy, my numbers went down as they should, and I was still on monthly blood checks. When December rolled around we knew the doctor was going to tell us we were in the clear. We could start trying for a baby, if we’d like. But, we jumped the […]
Continued from Post Molar Pregnancy

Continued from Post Molar Pregnancy ..I struggle as I try to figure out the lesson behind this all. What am I supposed to learn from this? Why did God test me like this? During Pop-po’s funeral services, I was utterly astounded by the love and support from so many that loved my dear Pop-po and us. […]
Post Molar Pregnancy

It’s been two months since my extraction from the molar pregnancy and the death of my grandfather. Two very fast months. Two months since my life would change forever. I think I might actually be able to write about it now. I am writing for my own healing, some of it is a little raw […]