Oven Baked Hot Dogs

Chili cheese hotdogs are a favorite summer time meal in our household, super quick to throw together (my kind of meal) and everyone eats them. This is a fun take with baking them in the oven, a little more cooking time, but so worth it. The buns get almost crusty, and the cheese and chili […]
Pumpkin Quesadillas

* Be sure to stop by and enter to Win a Scentsy warmer and fall scent* As I was shopping at our local grocery store yesterday I spotted huge Pumpkins!! Oh the glorious, beautiful pumpkin. Is it that time of year already? How could I let it slip past and not make something pumpkin yet? I […]
Jalapeno Popper Grilled Cheese

When I first saw the Crazy Cooking challenge for the month, I was excited psyched, I mean who doesn’t love a grilled cheese sandwich. But when Galley Kitchen did her month long grilled cheese challenge and her Jalapeno Popper Grilled cheese came along, I knew that was the one for me. I love Jalapeno Popper’s, love […]
Salad in a Jar

*If you like recipes like these be sure to stop by my new E-cookbook E-licious * Do you ever run across a recipe or idea that you can’t get out of your head until you make it? Well, that’s this one here. Pure genius, plain and simple. Did I mention I love pinterest? Any-who, this […]
Roast Spatchcocked Turkey

I’d like to welcome my Mom, Lalo and her first of many guest posts. Mom Lalo is a recent retiree, who enjoys her time fixing up her 100+ year old home, gardening, and playing with her three grandchildren. She is my best friend and whom I constantly seek advice. Listen up, she’s a wise cookie. […]
Barbecue Chicken Pizza

I ran across this recipe from Sunny Anderson and knew immediately my family would love it. That and I had a sticky chicken in the crock pot and needed a way to use the meat, perfect. This pizza was very quick to put together and with a store bought pizza crust couldn’t be easier. I […]
Stuffed Corn Tortillas

In the ideal setting, I like to cook by myself, in the peace and quite of my home, where I can concentrate or even experiment with new recipes at my leisure. But in reality I live with two boys and a busy husband, this doesn’t happen very often. The boys are getting to the age […]
Friendship Casserole

This recipe is featured in my E-licious E-cookbook, stop by to see more details about the e-book and 45 yummy recipes. This is a recipe I love to make to either share with family and friends or freeze for ourselves. The reason its called Friendship Casserole is because it makes two 9 x13 pans full. […]
Bandito Dogs

For today’s post I am sharing the healthiest recipe every cooked and shared on my blog (insert sarcasm). I am sure my arteries will be forever clogged. But I will be forever be happy after eating this most delicious masterpiece. Let me introduce the Bandito Dogs, not to be confused with chili hot dogs, because […]
Easy Zucchini or Eggplant Bake

Sometimes I have the hankering for a zucchini bake, but if your like me and your zucchini has already quit producing for the year, I always sub eggplant for zukes. I personally am not a huge fan of eggplant don’t get me wrong I sort of like it, but I can’t just eat it plain. […]