Jamberry Nail Wraps Giveaway- closed

Winner announced, congrats to Dahlia Salazar. What is Jamberry? They are a high quality, vinyl, heat and pressure sealed nail wraps. They last for weeks, at a fraction of the cost of a salon visit! No harsh chemicals, chipped polish, or damage to your natural nail and there are over 350 adorable style options! One […]
Fall and Halloween Photo Session- Giveaway

It’s been 2 months since I started doing photography, only 2 months and I’ve done so much more than I would have ever imagined. Families, children, back to school, maternity and newborns. It’s been so much fun!! I have been so blessed by all of you. The support, comments, feed back has been amazing, I […]
Baby T Boutique Giveaway Winner

Baby T baby shoes winner is: Jessica w “lately, I am a sucker for those really cute leather mocs that all the star’s babies are wearing!” Congrats Jessica, be on the lookout for an email from me. Hope you and your baby enjoy the shoes.
Baby T Baby Shoes Giveaway-closed

Winner chosen. Congrats Jessica! How cute are these handmade soft bottom baby shoes. My friend Shawn the creator of these shoes started making them when she wasn’t pleased with the types of baby shoes on the market, so she started making her own and other people took notice and wanted some too. Be sure to […]
Advocare Cleanse and Spark Winner

Advocare Cleanse and Spark Winner is: Shawn Mason, “I have never done a cleanse and would love to try it!” Congrats Shawn, be on the lookout for an email from me. Hope you enjoy the cleanse and keep us updated with your results.
Advocare Cleanse and Spark Giveaway! Winner Chosen

GIVEAWAY CLOSED WINNER CHOSEN, congrats Shawn Mason! I haven’t done a giveaway in ages and decided to start back with one of my very favorite products, ever, the advocare cleanse. I can’t wait to do the cleanse again, it’s killing me in fact, but I have to wait until I am finished breastfeeding the littles. But, […]
Pink Zebra Giveaway Winner

The winner of the Pink Zebra Winner: Pumpkin Simmering Pot and 1 jar of sprinkles. Tammy “The products sound great! Fall is my favorite season because of all the warm accents and colors. So this would be awesome!! And, yes! I did read all three books. Book #2 was the best, in my opinion. Laters!! “ […]
Pink Zebra Giveaway- closed

Winner Announced, congrats Tammy! My house smells so delicious right now, like pumpkin vanilla bread, and I’m not even baking. I am so excited to be able to share this with you guys. My friend and sponsor Misty is so generous to offer a Pink Zebra giveaway for my readers. Misty knows me well when she […]
Scentsy Giveaway Winner!

The winner of the Scentsy Giveaway Winner: A plug-in warmer and scent. Kimberly Moehrig “I don’t know if they have come out with my favorite scent in a candle, but I love the smell of hay in the fall. A fall hayride, hay used as decorations in the yard, walking through a hay maze, […]
Scentsy Giveaway!- closed

Winner Announced! Congrats to Kim, thanks for all you entered. Hot dang, I’ve got a Scentsy giveaway for my favorite people in the world (that’s you guys). Kayla, an independent Scentsy consultant, is making this possible. Yea, Kayla! For real, like for real, I l-o-v-e Scentsy. There is no better smell payoff than candles and you […]