The big 30!

Today is my 30th birthday! DT is taking me out to eat at a nice restaurant and I am getting a white tattoo! My thinking is, if I tell everyone I won’t chicken out. If anyone recalls, on my last birthday I did a 30 things before 30 list of which I’ve failed miserably at some and […]
First swimming lessons

The boys had their very first swimming lessons a few weeks ago and, let me just say, it was quite the learning experience for us all. For 2 weeks Tuesday-Friday 30 minutes each day. All I could think of was how much fun the boys would have and how much they would learn. Day 1 […]
30 things before 30

Last week I turned 29, and this morning I stumbled across Joy the Bakers, 30 before 30 list, thought it was a genius idea, so I’ve created my own 30 before 30. I have a whole year to complete my list, although some of the items seem a little daunting, but I will *fingers crossed* […]
Gator Park

As I like to call it, or Brazos Bend State Park. A really fun place to visit on a cool Tuesday morning. Mom and I have been to this park several times, never to see an Alligator except at the visitor’s center, but none in the wild. So my goal was to see at least […]
Pumpkin Patch Fun

Our pumpkin patch was this week, and we took the little sweethearts to pick some pumpkins and take some great photos. They mostly cooperated and loved the unusual pumpkins. But the sun was super bright. But we got a couple good pictures none the less. And the tractor was a big hit. Got to switch […]
Brazos Bend State Park

We took the boys to Brazos bend state park last week, it’s unlike any park they’ve ever been too. So they were a bit confused, when we got there, was it the water park, playground park? The main attraction at this state park besides it’s vast hiking trails and lakes. Are alligators!! Yes alligators live […]
The park a true learning experience

*Stop by and Enter to win my Book Giveaway One and the Same.* I took the boys to our local park playground on a beautiful cool sunny day last week, one of very few we’ve had lately. We all needed some sunshine. But as the boys were running and playing, sliding and swinging. A thought […]
Let it Snow

It snowed in South east Texas last week, setting the record for earliest recorded snow in Houston history. So that means that everyone in the Houston area completely lost their frigging minds. Schools were closed, people were let off of work early and we all got to enjoy the fabulous fun and cold snow. In […]
Pioneer Woman’s Book signing

I was so happy that I was able to go to the Pioneer Woman book signing in Houston this weekend. What a super fun experience. I was nervous and anxiously anticipating meeting Ree. I don’t have much experience meeting Celebs. My only other encounter with a famous person involves nekkidness, massages, and Teri Hatcher. Intrigued? […]