Newlyweds on

Ever Heard of Well I know when I google anything these days I almost always get an answer. And guess what if you google Newlyweds today, you just might stumble upon me, DT and I are being featured today on,  how cool is that. Francesca from was kind enough to want […]

Thanksgiving Special


I love Thanksgiving.  Food, Family, Friends, Laughter, Stories, Memories, Thankfulness, Football, Wine….  NO gift giving.  How much better can it get??????? Luckily I am not the only one, I rounded up some great post from various bloggers about their thanksgiving traditions, foods, decorations, etc.  Please enjoy!  And have a very Happy Thanksgiving. Homemaker Barbi- How […]

My blog roll

In an attempt to explain my blog roll I have created a silly little story! I once traveled to the story land of Jennsylvania while there I ran into Kelly the Kitchen Kop and learned all about healthy milk and butter, yum.  I went to buy some milk and forgot my Money Saving Momma fortunately […]

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