I haven’t posted about the garden in 2 weeks and man has it grown. Our weather has been extremely dry and we haven’t had any significant rains since we planted this garden over 5 weeks ago. But we’ve been watering about every other day and the garden seems to be liking it. That and it’s hott already upper 80’s for the past few weeks. I am just not ready for it to be this hot so soon.
Our garden has grown so fast and beautiful I am simply amazed. Just for comparison’s sake I went and looked at last years garden at week 5. (and last year we had an amazing crop). I know the huge difference between this year and last year is our chicken fertilizer. Which just makes me love my girls that much more.
Last year week 5
This years week 5, (now granted we have lots more weeds too)
Just look at the size of the tomatoes, some are at the top of the tomato baskets already.
(sorry for the glare in this picture)
In fact I already picked 3 small cherry tomatoes the other day. WOW!
We have some rather large banana peppers that will be ready in a few days.
And zucchini that is ready to pick today, in fact after I write this I am going to cut some.
The squash plants are just huge!
and plenty of yellow squash growing.
Here’s a back view of the garden, you can’t even see the rows.
Our white squash has some small ones growing also. Which is exciting because last year we couldn’t get any to grow.
The cucumbers are growing up the fence.
and look even some small cucumbers are growing.
We also have lots of grapes on the vines.
As if this post isn’t long enough, I just wanted to share some photos of my chicken girls.
First up little Izzy, we did get her a friend from my In laws, little Gamey (she a game chicken).
Little Gamey, spent the first few days of her life, free ranging under the wing of her Mommy, so she’s showing Izzy the free ranging life.
Which includes how to take a dust bath.
and fight off bigger chickens.
Actually Buffy was very interested in these two little ones and was very sweet to them.
Speaking of the bigger little chickens, I thought I would share how some of my girls are getting along.
After the ducks were re-homed, the chicks personalities really started to blossom. Before they would follow the ducks around, like they were their mommy’s and never leave their side.
Now for instance Penny quickly stepped up as the leader of the pack. She’s the first up for treats, and keeps the other girls in line.
Charlotte has come out of her shell a bit and decided I am not so bad after all and will willingly sit in my lap.
Lacy, is the best bug catcher and can spot a fly anywhere.
Little pumpkin is always so curious, looking at me with those dark beautiful eyes.
Its really a lot of fun seeing their personalities emerge and watching how beautifully they feather in.
On hatching news my 48 eggs have at least 38 viable little embryos some were removed for no growth. Hatch date is set for next friday.
So tell me how is your garden growing?
I will be posting weekly of the garden so please click on each week for more details. Week 1, week 2
This post is listed @
goodLife {eats}, “Grow, Cook Eat”
Family, Stamping and FOOD, “How does you garden grow”
My Romantic Home“Show and Tell Friday”,
Hosted by Cecily and Carrie
The Inspired Room “Its a beautiful Life Friday”

Girl! Your garden is growing like crazy! I’m afraid our little “Roma” tomatoes have the wilt virus. I don’t know much about it but from what I’ve found online it looks like it. 🙁 Hopefully it won’t affect the others.
HOLY COW!! Where do you live? Our stuff is no where near that big. We are still working on spring veggies. Summer stuff is planted but no where near ready for harvesting.
What are those pie tins for?
If I promise to weed your garden can I come live with you and eat yellow summer squash and fried green tomatoes?
I can’t waaait to see the new chickens!
“Charlotte has come out of her shell a bit . . .”
Ha! You are so punny. 🙂
I am green with envy over all your green:-)
I am so impressed with yout garden and the chickens! It makes me wish we didn’t live in a townhouse!
Your garden looks great, and you’re right about last year. Our garden is doing better this year too. I think it’s because it was too rainy last year. Looking forward to more posts on your crop…you’ve inspired me to post more about our garden.
Hey Jenna – I just left you an award on my blog!
You’re chicks are so cute! And now I see what you mean about the cucumbers! Interesting! I need to move somewhere warmer…so that in May I have food like this ready to eat!
Found your site on goodLife eats. I too am a newlywed and my hubby and I enjoy gardening and have recently blogged about it on our site. Hopefully we can keep track of each others gardens this summer. (ps love the chickens too!!!)