We had two little helpers in the garden this week.
DT was busy taking the planter covers off the tomatoes and Little H and Little W had decided to remove all the lady bugs from our potato plants. I tried to explain they were good bugs, but they just wanted to play with them.
The garden seems to be growing very quickly this year and I like to attribute that to our wonderful chicken fertilizer, ha ha.
Seriously, how many pets do you know fertilize your garden and give you breakfast everyday?
I planted spinach and bib lettuce, but neither seemed to be growing at all, I guess the seeds were old. So I bought some more and planted spinach and mesclun (which is an assortment of small lettuces) and I also got green onion seeds. I hope they do well I am really looking forward to some fresh salad greens.
Other than that the garden is growing like crazy but I think I said that already.
Today my first ever set of hatching eggs go into lockdown. Chicks take 21 days to hatch, but 3 day prior you stop turning your eggs and bump up the humidity to about 65-70%. Then you just sit and wait and don’t open your incubator till all of your chicks have hatched. Hopefully by Monday or Tuesday I will have a few cute little chickies to show off.
5 of my original 11 have made it to lockdown including 1 experimental refrigerator egg from my Father in law. Hatching eggs are not suppose to be refrigerator or older than 10 days, these were at least 2 weeks old in our fridge and one is growing, Amazing, go chickie go. Just tonight as I was adding a little water to my incubator, I noticed my Buff Orpington egg (the one with BO written on it) move, twice. So I know my eyes weren’t playing tricks on me.
My other Buff Orpingtion little Buffy will have a few new playmates soon.
Here’s a group shot of my chicks and ducks from their outing today. Daffy was stretching his wings. I think he is a he, but not 100% sure.
And a silly shot of Skeeter, he was whining at me and I just love how his little under bite teeth are showing.
So how is your garden growing along? What about your pets? Chickens? Anyone?
I will be posting weekly of the garden so please click on each week for more details. Week 1
This post is listed @
goodLife {eats}, “Grow, Cook Eat”
Family, Stamping and FOOD, “How does you garden grow”
My Romantic Home“Show and Tell Friday”,
Hosted by Cecily and Carrie
The Inspired Room “Its a beautiful Life Friday”

terribly compared to yours. Then again, mine isn’t in the actual ground yet. I’m crossing my fingers.
I love seeing your garden pictures! And the ducks and chickies…to cute! I had problems with my spinach seeds too. I planted them 9 to one square foot (as Mel suggested) but only 2 came up in one and about 5 in the other. So I replanted and watered them good. We’ll see…
Have a great weekend!
My garden feels like it’s growing slow, honestly nothing looks different from last week? I don’t know why, and my topsy turvy tomato is not doing much either… I think I’m over watering that to be honest. I love seeing pics of your garden and your chickens too. I’ll be posting week 2 of mine this weekend. Thanks for the inspiration 🙂 Oh, and I’ll be trying out your pest recipe too, I’ve got it ready to mix.
OMG- so much exciting news! The garden has already grown so much. And cannot wait to see those little baby chickies! Are you going to get the ducks a kiddie pool? What about Buffy- is she doing ok after the altercation with precious?? XOXO
Wow! Your garden looks great! I love seeing the chicks and ducks!
Probably a dumb question, but why don’t you leave the eggs with the chickens to hatch?
Your little boys are just as cute as can be! What sweeties : ) And holy wow. Look at that garden. We are just starting ours here in Pennsylvania!
I have a good friend with chickens as pets and she loves them. So do her boys. I’d never even thought about them in that way before her.
I love the first shot…little boys in little boots make me smile every time.
At first, I thought the duck was coming down the slide!! LOL!
I can’t wait to see your egglets hatch! My Buff girls (my first!) are two weeks old now and growing like weeds. Wish I could say the same about my garden–it’s too early to plant yet. Still, I’m enjoying the mesclun mix that overwintered, yum.
Swing by and see my chicks 🙂
What cute little helpers! With your gardening skills, you are raining future gardeners.
I love seeing your garden grow! The ladybug picture is magnificent. We have lettuce coming up from last year (although last years batch didn’t really do well). It’s so weird… I swear they aren’t weeds though… at least I hope not — yuck.
Ha, I don’t keep a garden. I definitely do not have a green thumb. At all.
Wow – love the new site, it looks great! And I can’t believe how grown up the boys look! 🙂
Wow you sound very busy! I love your blog it is darling! If you have a moment stop by http://shabbychictreasures.blogspot.com/
I am giving away are pretty rose teapot for the month of April!~