I spent the majority of last weekend, blanching and freezing green beans and squash.  Now don’t get me wrong I love having fresh vegetables and I will love having them in the freezer ready for my use at any time.  But its so easy to feel just a bit overwhelmed by the massive amounts that we have and were running out of refrigerator room, thus the need for freezing.  And we can’t possibly eat any more than we are right now or we would turn green, lol.  Oh and we are happy to give to family and coworkers as well.  With all that said that sure does sound like a lot of complaining, I truly love it!  Love it all.  I love finding new recipes, and ideas.  Searching out creative fun ways to cook the garden produce.  Oh let me tell you its a good thing I started  Shredding now, though I am sure I will might think differently tomorrow, I already feel the soreness hitting.

Speaking of new recipes here are a few that I can’t wait to try, Orzo with Roasted Vegetables and Chocolate Zucchini Cake.

On to the garden details.  DT has been watering every few days in the morning, and tending to the plants, picking weeds, moving the watermelon vines so they don’t grow on everything else, he’s trying to train them to grow back into the rest of the yard and away from all the other plants

Summer Garden week 10- big garden


Tomatoes vines loaded


Sweet Corn is sprouting, if you look closely you can see the corn cobs growing.


Remember how sickly sad the okra was?

It decided to make a come back, yea Okra!


Both Varieties of Eggplants are growing right along


Several bell peppers, will have a few to pick any day now

*edited to add-I must admit my fingers are stained from picking mulberries, not from working in the garden*


Back view of the garden


Watermelons are vining along and are flowering, DT installed a little metal fence to keep them from climbing and going into the neighbors yard.


The yellow squash are producing new leaves, and are still hanging on.


Purple Hull Peas are doing well about 3 inches long and starting to turn purple


DT also installed some fencing for the cucumbers to climb- see the tiny cucumber isn’t she cute?


Front view of the old garden


The cucumbers are climbing, blooming and have small cucumbers


The green beans are falling over because they are so loading with green beans- we easily picked almost 2 plastic bags full!


Sweet corn is doing well- its a few weeks behind the other corn


The patty pan squash is finally starting to produce- do you see the small squash at the bottom? Yea!


Jalapenos have a few ready for picking


and our blackberry, and grape vines are coming along nicely

My grandpa Pop-po wants me to make a grape pie, anyone has a tried true recipe?


Please ask your gardening questions and/or please share tips. I will be keeping up with  posting the progress of the garden weekly.

Click the links for week 1, week 2, week 3, week 4 week 5 , week 6, week 7 , week 8 and week 9

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27 Responses

  1. Wow! Beautiful! You are so blessed to live in a climate where everything grows so early! We are just starting our garden. You have done a beautiful job. Lots of work!

  2. Fantastic garden- and fun to see the gardeners hand- it’s always great to have a little “bling” in the garden too =)

  3. I am totally giggling that you are on week 10 and harvesting some of your veggies already when I was finally able to plant this last Sunday! ha!!

    Do you have any good green bean recipes?

  4. Wow! I forget how much more voluptuous a garden is when it has so much sun! LOL, still getting used to living in Seattle where we have just passed the last frost and are just about to plant out our warm weather crops. : ( Your garden looks beautiful!

  5. Hi ladies! Thanks for all the wonderful comments.

    But I must admit, that my hands are not dirt fingernails from the garden, but stained from mulberries! Also I do usually take my ring off when I am in the garden, but forgot. I had to laugh about the bling in the garden!

  6. Wow, I can’t believe you have ALL that after only 10 weeks! I think my garden is on week 8 (maybe, if not week 7) and it’s not even half the size of yours yet!!! I love seeing pics of yours…it just looks so healthy and lively!!

  7. Great shots of your garden – I am so envious!!! Amazing! Look at all that great food. I am tempted to try the zucchini chocolate cake recipe, I make zucchini chocolate chip muffins quite often, and my kids love them!

  8. I am trying so hard right now to not be jealous of your garden.
    I know mine would be doing better if we had sun the first half of the month, but alas, we were cloudy and raining way too much.

  9. The garden is looking better each week. I wish I lived near enough that you could share veggies with me. : )
    I have to freeze blackberries. We have so many each year. I give them away, my son sells some, and still we have more!

  10. Your garden is amazing! I still don’t know how you manage everything you do! I can’t wait to learn new recipes from ya!

  11. Oh my gosh, your garden looks amazing. Where do you find the time to take care of it, with being a a wife, two active little ones and work. I feel like such a slacker.

    Last year I grew a few tomatoes plants and had amazing results, but this year I’m planning on adding bell peppers to it. Will I need to put cages over them like I did with the tomatoes?


  12. Hello…

    Wow…what a beautiful garden! You really have a nice variety of veggies! Ohhh…they are going to taste soooo good! I’m envious! Hehe!

    Warmest wishes,
    PS…Hmmm, I’ve never heard of a grape pie before…I wish you luck on finding a great recipe!

  13. That is a beautiful garden!! We are excitedly watching my cherry tomatoes that are growing in a container on my patio. There are a few small green ones that caused a big stir when they were spotted!

  14. Your Garden is so lovely and lightyears ahead of my seedlings. I am amazed at the difference a timezone makes in growing seasons.
    What a blessing this is to your family!
    because of Jesus, Bobbie

  15. You have a great garden.I am only on week 5 of my garden. This is my first garden so it is really nice to have found your site. What are the tin pans for that are around the tomatoes?

  16. I am GREEN with envy – literally. Here in Utah our growing season is just getting started. What a beautiful garden! Nevertheless, I am still giving thanks that my peas are now 10 inches tall, the tomatoes are blossoming, the corn and bean seeds are in the ground, and we are just today harvesting fresh spinach and lettuce for our dinner salad – YUM!

    Come back for my garden inspiration soon 🙂


  17. Wow, your garden is AMAZING! I had to look up and see where you were from; I thought maybe you were from Australia or somewhere where the growing season might be nearing completion, because all your plants are simply amazing! We’re in California, and my hubby has planted lots of great stuff, but we are nowhere near harvest with most of it (with the exception of artichokes — we’ve eaten about 50 and we’re just about done). But everything else is still in progress. I just had to tell you, great job! Your garden is really inspiring.

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