For the first time I can say WE planted the garden this weekend, usually DT does it by himself but he forced convinced me I need to give it a go. So I did and it was actually kinda fun doing it together. Not that I’ve never planted anything before, just not our vegetable garden. Before we planted DT tilled the garden really well and we added some of the soiled shavings from the chicken coop for fertilizer. Then we let is sit for a few weeks and tilled again. We also added some organic mushroom compost (from my Dad) to each plant and seed we planted.
Edited to Add: I’ve had several questions about this and would like to answer. The tomatoes and peppers are planted directly into the ground we like to put the planters (with the bottom cut out) around them until they are big enough to withstand the wind and rain, usually only for a couple of weeks. Then we will remove them, we simply plant the tomatoes into the ground and then place the planters over them.
I have been watering with a sprinkler about 1 hour everyday to promote healthy deep roots. So far we’ve had very little rain.
We planted 12 tomato plants. Different varieties including, 2 Bush Goliath (large), 2 Celebrity (medium), 2 Early Girl (50 days) and 2 Jet star (medium)
And some fun varieties like this
Yellow Pear, it is pear shaped and you guessed it, yellow.
and another yellow tomato
Lemon Boy
And one Cherry tomato
that already has a few small tomatoes
Husky Cherry Red
I also planted a few tomatoes from seed, San Marzano’s. But so far no sprouts. I hope they make it.
We planted banana peppers, bell peppers (a few different colors) and jalapeno peppers.
I planted cucumbers by the fence line so they have something to climb as the grow.
Looks like I planted a little heavily in spots that I will have to thin some out.
Also along the fence I planted green beans, the also like to climb and it makes picking much easier.
A week before we planted everything else, DT planted some potatoes, I can’t remember what variety but I think red.
I also planted some lettuce and spinach for a summer salad.
and yellow squash
And Zucchini squash, we have a few plants from my Granny and we planted a few from seeds.
This is the back view from the garden. We also planted some white squash, okra and dill.
I can’t forget to show off my ducks look how much the ducks have grown? Crazy right? They are practically full grown now. I am thinking I have a male and female but not sure. To me Daffy (left) is a male and Ming Ming (right) is female, don’t you just love her little poof of feathers oh her head?
This little one is Blue she is the largest of our 2 Black Australorps you might remember from this post. She is about 4 weeks old.
Here is little Hadlee my favorite Easter Egger (6 weeks), she was involved in a incident last Friday involving Precious (our old toothless Rottie).
I luckily saw Precious with her from the kitchen window and ran out immediately. She was laying there on her side dead for sure, but when I picked her up I noticed her eye blinked. She wasn’t dead but I thought badly hurt. That was last Friday and she is moving around pretty good still a little slow but eating and drinking so I think she will be just fine.
I still can’t figure out why Precious grabbed her, but I am thinking Hadlee’s pretty lucky she’s toothless. I am much more careful now, and won’t let them out without my supervision or her locked up.
Here’s the group free ranging under my close eye.
Are you planting a summer garden this year? What are you most excited about?
This post is listed @
goodLife {eats}, “Grow, Cook Eat”
Family, Stamping and FOOD, “How does you garden grow”
My Romantic Home“Show and Tell Friday”,
Simply Sweet Home, “Friday Favorites”
Hosted by Cecily and Carrie
The Inspired Room “Its a beautiful Life Friday”

Wow girl!!! Your garden is amazing!!! You guys have been so busy! I have a question – will you plant the tomatoes into the ground after a while or will you leave them in the containers? We planted 15 plants and I planted them straight into the ground (they were from seeds and now I’m second guessing myself) Thanks!
THANK YOU for this post!!! We are moving later this fall to a new home built on some property, and my dream is to plant a BIG garden like yours. I’ve been doing some research on the best way to go about that, and this post was very helpful.
I do have one question, if you have the time to respond. Why do you keep your tomato plants in pots? In Michigan, where I am, we plant them right in the ground, but I’m wondering if it would be better to do it like you?
I love your chain link fence, too. I’ve been wondering what to do about all the critters, and we have a lot of them. Deer, rabbits, gophers, possum, you name it. Hmmm…wonder if I can convince my hubby to put up a chain link?
What a beautiful garden!! I planted the yellow pear tomatoes last year and they were amazing. A big producer and so yummy. I planted one again for this year. Thanks for linking up!
What a great garden! Love the ducks and chickens.
Dropping by from The Inspired Room. Come see what has inspired me in Blog Land, and don’t forget our giveaway ends Saturday night – so be sure to register at AtticMag!
Looks like it is going to be a GREAT year:-)
Yayyy!!! I love your summer garden updates!! SO jealous that you get to plant already. I am excited about ours too! We are doubling in size and doing a few different vegetables than we did last year. Potatoes are a good idea. I may have to look into that.
Yay! A garden post! And your flock is looking good!
WOW your garden looks amazing! it definitely puts my little garden to shame, haha. last year all i did was tomatoes and zucchini, and a bell pepper plant that never produced. and basil. yum, basil. this year we build a 4’x8′ planter box and we did cucumber, zucchini, tomatoes, jalapenos, strawberries, radish, basil & cilantro. i love summer gardens! i’m excited to see your updates 🙂
we won’t plant until May–that’s when the weather finally warms up. I’m curious as to why you have the tomato plants in buckets (I can see the bottom is cut out)? I’m going to try watering the ground for a couple of weeks like you did.
I am so jealous 🙂
@Candi, Candi, sorry I should have explained this better, the tomatoes and peppers are planted into the ground we like to put the planters (with the bottom cut out) around them until they are big enough to withstand the wind and rain, usually only for a couple of weeks.
@Tracy, Tracy, sorry I should have explained this better, the tomatoes and peppers are planted into the ground we like to put the planters (with the bottom cut out) around them until they are big enough to withstand the wind and rain, usually only for a couple of weeks.
@kaye, Kaye, sorry I should have explained this better, the tomatoes and peppers are planted into the ground we like to put the planters (with the bottom cut out) around them until they are big enough to withstand the wind and rain, usually only for a couple of weeks.
Wow, it looks great!!! We’ve got all our seeds but we’re just waiting for the weather to get warmer!
I really like the uniformity of everything!
@Sweet Pea, Thanks! I can see the dirt in the one picture. I should’ve probably did this too. Maybe next year I’ll remember. 😉
I am SOOO jealous of your garden !! It is so big and WONDERFUL! I love a good vegetable garden but we’ve never had more than a 4×6 space (that’s what I get for being a city girl). {sigh} yours is beautiful. thanks for sharing the pictures!!
Look at Blue’s feet, they are so big!! I hadn’t noticed before.
Your garden looks great. Ours is about 1/3 the size of yours. We planted lettuce, grean beans, tomatoes, zucchini, green peppers, cucumbers, and some herbs (basil, tarragon, etc.). My oldest girl and I are eagerly awating the tomatoes for a fresh salad.
Oh, watch out for the yellow pear tomato plant you got. Ours invaded (literally) half the garden last year…it grew and produced so much fruit. One day, I picked 6 pounds off of ONE plant…I am not kidding!
ooooooooo exciting! I started my peat pots a week ago and getting excited too. Are the little plants supposed to be that big when you put them into the ground? Am I supposed to repot all the peat pots into bigger pots and let them grow more before planting in the garden? I don’t think last year they got that big before I planted them. hmmmmmmmmm.
This is making me so excited for our garden! yippee.
Quite a variety of birds you have there. Good things will be popping up round your house.
I love the garden! We will have to make a trip to go see ya’ll this summer! I know Aiden would have a blast with the boys,dogs,cats, ducks and chicks! ha
i noticed the hot wire around your garden. is it two strands? and does it keep the chickens out? and how are your boys with it? i always have a big garden and this year is our first with chickens. i’d love to have both without building an expensive fence. hope you have a great gardening year in 2011.