The garden was in major need or grooming and we DT first weeded, picked, pulled everything except, the okra and peppers.  This Texas heat is almost unbearably hott, oh who am I kidding it is unbearably hot.  But somehow my sweet husband DT can tough it out to work on the garden.  He loves his garden, its his pride and joy so all these weeds have been killing him, see he has been busy working lots and lots lately and hasn’t been able to tend the garden the way he normally would so the weeds and grass have taken over, slightly (ha ha).

(See the overgrowth)

Our watermelon sure didn’t turn out to the high hopes we were wanting, all in all we had about 3 or 4 volleyball sized melons, though they tasted great.

The weeds sure did flourish, wow!

and all while we were DT was busy in the garden Cricket was nearby keeping a eye on us in the shade of the massive Okra

DT tilled through all the carpet grass that was growing and man was it tough!  But he is preparing the ground for our next crop.

Which we will (DT) be planting very soon; Pie Pumpkins, Butternut Squash and Acorn Squash.  We plant them early now so that they will be ready for harvest around Oct-November.  This is our first year planting the pumpkins and I am super excited.  I am only dreaming of all the pumpkin recipes I can make with them. click here and here.  As you can see I’ve loved pumpkin for some time now.  And now is the time to grow our very own pumpkins,  I’m so excited!!!!

While we were busy we had a very lovely surprise in our small garden, our shallots came back!  I just love clipping the green tops for quick and easy green onions and I was super happy to see that they had gone dormant and came back out!!

In the middle of tilling DT adds buckets from our compost and then till again, to mix everything well.  The compost is comprised of lots of yard and garden clippings, vegetable clippings, egg shells, watermelon rinds, coffee grinds, the occasional newspaper.  Basically anything organic that is not a meat or animal product.  Its great to put back in the garden because of all the vital nutrients and natural compost materials.

This weekend we shall plant our Pumpkins, Butternut and Acorn Squash.

So how is your garden growing?

Please ask any gardening questions and/or please share tips. I will be keeping up with  posting the progress of the garden weekly.

Click the links for week 1, week 2, week 3, week 4 week 5 , week 6, week 7 , week 8 , week 9 , week 10 , week 11 and week 14 and week 18

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0 Responses

  1. ummm… my garden is very disappointing so far:) I have these gigantic zucchini and squash plants, but no actual vegetables growing on them. Any ideas? If they are flowering, should the zucchinis start growing right after?

  2. My garden is too small to grow any vegetables. It’s something I’d really like to do though so I’ll probably look into getting an allotment. Seeing your garden makes me realise all the more what I’m missing.

    I’m quite keen to grow herbs in pots. I have some mint already but want different herbs. Any tips you have on herb growing would be really appreciated!

  3. I am amazed at how amped up our schedule is out here versus where you are. Here, we can’t plant before Mother’s Day, and in June/July we plant our squash (they are HUGE right now). And by the end of October, the last pumpkins are being picked (and they are usually sitting all by their lonesomes amongst wilty vines). Crazy! I’m not complaining; there are tradeoffs (we generally don’t get unbearably hot, and others) which I like, but I do wish we had your long growing season… I feel like summer is packed with picking, cooking and storing.

  4. This is such an awesome endeavor. I wish I could grow a garden like that in the desert. What a bounty of good stuff I could have. Beautiful.


  5. We started a small garden this year for the first time. I love it. It is so rewarding to eat from something that you have nurtured and cared for for months. I love to eat the fresh food, nothing tastes like fresh fruit and veggies. I especially love sun warmed tomatoes!
    Nice Post!
    If you’d like to stop by my blog I’m at Cake Crumbs.

  6. Our garden is full of weeds too and ‘dead’ plants now. It needs a ton of work too so we can get ‘winter’ veggies in. And yes it’s still way too hot here also, but we did get a little storm and rain yesterday 🙂

  7. Thanks so much for the great gardening pics…you (or DT) gives all of our gardens hope…LOL! I just made your salsa recipe today w/some of our garden abundance and it turned out great! Looking forward to more great recipes from the newest SAHM (the best job you’ll ever have!)

  8. You have the heat – we have the cold. Yep, about 60 degrees here in NW Indiana. Our tomatoes will probably not ripen. I still have zucchini come out my ears. Hungarian Wax Peppers, a couple watermelon and some green bell peppers.
    You (and your husband) are doing a great job!

  9. If you don’t already have your pie pumpkin seeds, I’ll highly reccommend searching out Long Island Cheese pumpkins. They make the best pie ever!

  10. I just planted pumpkins! First time. We’ll see how they go. My tomatoes and peppers are almost ready to go in the groud as well. Love the fall garden!

    I’m happy that you are joining the Food Network Chef Challenge! Hopefully i’ll be able to use some of these crops 🙂

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