For a limited time on Amazon, purchase $250 of qualifying nursery items shipped and sold by and receive a $50 promotional code via e-mail approximately 32 days from the shipment date of your items.
More than 1,500 items are included, including cribs, crib mattresses, and bedding. The $250 of qualifying items must be purchased in a single order and only one promotional code will be given per customer. I know I am taking advantage of this great deal! New nursing pillow, crib mattresses and crib here I come!
24 Day Challenge Kits are on sale! For only $175(down from $190.25) and 24 Days you can kick this new year off right and lose an average of 11lbs.!!!!! Get healthy, kick that nasty coke/energy drink habit and feel more energized than you ever have before! I will help you! So excited! And, check out these new workout DVDs from AdvoCare! I can’t wait to try these and hopefully replace my JM workouts with this to see how I like them. Want to know more about Advocare and the results I got, look here.