Summer is in full swing, we had swim lessons, sleep overs with friends and cousins, birthday parties, waterpark and more this week. I love the “lazy” days of summer, but the mosquitoes have got to go, they are so bad right now…. Off does nearly nothing to stop them. Any tips on something better??
With 4th of July smack in the middle of the week we really don’t have plans for it, I have a newborn photo session that day (so I am working and the boys will be home).
Here’s what caught my eye this week and what I’m reading.
- For chicken lovers Mypetchicken.com shared what Martha Stewarts chicks she picked this season, my favorite is the Ameriflower, Black Copper Marans, and the Chocolate Easter Egger, I so need some of these in my flock.
- My self love for the week, a one hour massage with CBD Oil (helps with pain and anxiety, stress and much more), it was lovely and I was so relaxed for hours afterwards.
- This Grilled Strawberry Shortcake with Brown Sugar Amaretto Whipped Cream has me drooling.
- The Cut article, There should be No Internet for one weekend per month, has me intrigued and also like, no way, which probably means I need it more than my kids.
- I am listening on (get 2 free books if you sign up audible “The Goddess Revolution, Make Peace with Food, Love Your Body and Reclaim Your Life.” So inspirations and making peace with food, I need this.
- Most popular recipes on the blog this week, Homemade Hot Dog Chili, and Freezing Tomatoes.
Last week we enjoyed: Pasta Carbonara with corn and chilies
Crockpot Chicken Tacos- Recipe to come
Sloppy Grilled Cheese Tacos (kids picked meal and cooked by Bigs)- these were surprisingly good and the boys really enjoyed making them.
If you are looking for some fun and easy 4th of July recipes, I complied a simple list.
Cereal with fresh fruit
Bacon, Eggs and Cinnamon Rolls
BLT Pasta Salad from The Girl Who Ate Everything- this looks amazing!!
Oven Baked Hot Dogs perfect for a easy 4th of July meal
Huevos Rancheros (I love breakfast for dinner)
Upcoming recipe this week: Crockpot chicken
For other great menu ideas be sure to check out Organizing Junkie.
What are you eating, reading or working on this week? Please share.
Enjoy your week. XOXO
*Try Amazon Prime 30-Day Free Trial We use this service and have our diapers (well use too), snack foods, toiletries, mac and cheese, and other staples delivered to us monthly.