Summer is no excuse to jump off the menu planning bandwagon, I am still planning our meals, even if they don’t work out exactly as planned (busy summer) it’s still a major time saver to have meals ready to be prepared.
I am doing the 30 day shred videos and running a couple of times a week. But I am losing some motivation.
I have an excellent private workout Facebook group and if you would like to motivate on another I would love for you to join. Just message me and I will get you added.
This week we have planned:
Healthier Blueberry Oatmeal Muffins
Peanut butter and banana roll up
Scrambled eggs, toast and fresh fruit
Salad in a Jar– love making a week full of healthy lunches!
Crock pot Jambalaya– DT’s Favorite.
Caprese Chicken– a delicious take on the caprese salad and only 300 calories each!
Snacks, desserts, drinks, other:
For other great menu ideas be sure to check out Organizing Junkie.