I am so excited to kick off this new, well almost new, series with DT and me, The Newlyweds. I will go back to the beginning of the Meet the Newlywed series and re-interview the couples, and see where they are now?
Stats: Married 5 years as of May 6, 2006.
Original Interview: Feb 12, 2009
When reading the first interview, did anything stick out, make you laugh, or shake your head? Why yes, thank you for asking. I had to laugh when I read that I left love notes and made DT lunch. Oh my, how things have changed. DT’s job has changed, he mostly eats on the road, and I never make his lunch unless he is off.
What in your marriage has changed for the better? We are more relaxed with each other, we don’t fight about the piddly little things, and we work together. We give each other space and encourage each other’s interests.
Anything for the worst? Unfortunately, we don’t have as much special time together and this does take a toll on us. DT’s job has him on the road most days of the week, so we can’t cuddle and watch TV like we use to. Though we do still take the time Sunday evenings to watch our HBO shows.
What are some of the biggest changes that have happened to you guys since the first interview. Job changes. DT has a new job and I quit to stay at home with the boys. This changed our finances, time together and stress levels significantly. It took some adjustment and, I can say, we are finally feeling like we have this down. We have also experienced the loss of a pregnancy and grandparents, which has been a tremendous hurdle to overcome, but we are here for each other and have learned that we grieve very differently.
What can you say about marriage that took time to discover? I can say marriage is work. Hard work. You have to be there for each other, supporting and caring. It’s not all roses, but you have to work at it to keep the love there or it can fall apart during hard times. In my first interview I said communication is key, and it still is, you have to communicate!
Now go ask your hubby: What is his favorite quirk about you? DT says, “I thinks it’s funny/cute when you go check on the chickens first thing in the morning in your pajamas.”
What’s a favorite moment you shared? Whoa, this one is hard! (good question interviewer) There are so many, but, if I had to get specific, I will say the quiet everyday moments. Like working in the garden together, our late night phone calls, or drinking a cold beverage while watching the boys play in the backyard. The little moments together.
That was fun. Each week I will interview a past couple. So, if you are one of those couples, and if your blog or contact info has changed, please let me know.
What are some questions you’d love to ask?
I’m sharing my awesome with Momma Made It Look Easy and you can too.

Great update on yourself! 🙂 Loved it!
What a great idea for a post. Y’all are just nice.
This is sweet. I wish we had something like this to look back on from our early years of marriage. Thanks for linking up last week.