It’s been a long time. Well, almost a year since I interviewed my last Meet the Newlywed couple (63 couples in all) and, from when I started, over 2 years have passed. Lots can happen in 2 years.
I thought it would be fun to re-visit the couples and ask them a new set of questions. See how their lives have changed. See what they have learned about marriage and themselves and just generally get a update with their lives.
I am starting in the order they were interviewed. I am hoping to get everyone, but some aren’t blogging anymore and my only requirement is that they still regularly blog.
So, if you are a Meet the Newlyweds couple, please contact me. When my computer lost it’s mind a month ago, so went the vast majority of my emails. So, in other words, if your blog has changed I probably can’t find you.

This is a FABULOUS idea! I’ll look forward to this!!!
I can’t wait!! I wonder how many have children now???
@Candi @ Family Stamping and FOOD!, Exactly, it will be so fun!!