Lets Meet the Newlyweds who just celebrated their 1 year anniversary. Congrats! I think the first year is the hardest. Jennifer has a blog Maybe It was Memphis, in which she shares about their married life, cooking and pets to give a few examples. She has a great writing style and funny sense of humor. Be sure to check her out. Now on to the interview!
Wedding date: October 18, 2008
Blog (s): http://maybeitwasmtown.blogspot.com/
How did you Meet? I was a freshman in college and Nathan was an alumni who was visiting his fraternity (TKE), we met at a party when my then boyfriend decided to rush for TKE. Two years later and single we began texting/talking on the phone everyday for hours. I was oblivious & thought of him as nothing more than a friend! Four months later he came to visit and ended up asking me out. I figured why not? I’ll give him a shot. Best idea ever! Full story here: http://maybeitwasmtown.blogspot.com/2009/05/fmm-on-tuesday.html
When did you know he was the one? I knew after 5 months! We always had a long distance relationship. Him being in Memphis and me either 2 1/2 hrs away at school, 5 hrs away at home or studying abroad in Greece! Our bond was incredibly strong despite the distance. When he supported and encouraged me through a tough senior year of college I knew we had a solid foundation for a life together.
What is one of your favorite things to do together? I love going for runs together. Pushing each other to do better, feeling great and its solid us time. He’s a sucker for TV. If it’s on his eyes are glued to it, so it is great to be somewhere he can’t ‘ignore me’.
What is something new you learned about your husband after you were married? He knows nothing about cars or tools. Being the daughter of a mechanic I am the one who changes the oil, checks fluids, has the tires rotated and balanced, and answers any car issue questions. Sometimes I feel more ‘manly’. I guess I was wrong to assume all men biologically knew these things. HA!
What do you do to stay connected during everyday stresses of life? Every night we ask each other how our day was. He has a tendency to not tell me things, because he finds them unimportant, so I make sure to ask him, “Anything you wanna tell me? Any gossip?” Gossip is our term for any crazy happenings…usually his family. When we are able to go to bed at the same time we hold hands and say our prayers. Touching toes in the early morning is great too.
What is your best piece of marriage advice? Continue to court your partner
What is your favorite quirk about your husband? Children love him and he doesn’t even have to try! He makes the cutest/funniest faces and they just burst with glee. It’s so amazing to see such a manly man holding a small child. Makes me feel so safe and sure of our future.
What is something special you do just for your husband? Every morning I turn the thermostat up, turn the fan off and cover him up. I get really hot when I sleep (which makes him hot) so we keep it cool and run the fan at night but when it is just him he gets cold. I go to work a couple hours before him so I make sure he’s cozy before I leave.
Tell us something about yourself. I was born in Iowa and grew up in NWA (Northwest Arkansas). I adapt well to new environments so moving to Memphis wasn’t a huge deal to me. Boy do I have some stories though! I have a BS in Business and work for property tax consultants, but come June I will be a teacher (so excited). I love the ocean, our sweet sister cats (Keelo and Maple), traveling, cooking, College Football (Go Razorbacks..Woo Pig Sooie!) and the STL Cardinals.
If you are interested in being a featured newlywed couple leave me a comment, and I will get in touch with you.

Cute story and profile!
My husband was TKE too!
so cute! love the cover thing, we do that too 🙂