Today I am introducing Merrick and Katie. Katie’s weekly lovies to her hubby (see below) are genius , what a wonderful way to connect, and even for us since DT is on the road so much. Katie also shares weekly best of’s on her blog aptly named Katie, another great idea. I love Katie refreshing outlook on life as a nurse, student and wife. Be sure to check it out.
Wedding date: May 16, 2009
Blog (s):
How did you meet? We went to opposing high schools and knew a ton of the same people, but didn’t cross paths until college when we met through mutual friends
When did you know he was the one? I had had a really bad day, full of tears and disappointments (none to do with him) and he was just there for me, supporting me, holding me and loving me. That’s when I knew I could do this with him forever.
What is one of your favorite things to do together? Since we live only a couple miles from the ocean, one of our favorite things to do is take long walks on the beach together (cliche, I know…). We also have a great time dancing – anywhere! The car, in the bedroom, and we usually tear up the bars, clubs or weddings… Just wait, MTV is going to feature us on our own music video soon! 😉
What is something new you learned about your husband after you were married? I asked him what he thought his answer was and he answered, “That I like playing video games” (said while on the computer playing video games and clearly didn’t want to be distracted…). I would say I’ve learned and experienced his patience and selflessness so much. I am an impatient and selfish woman, and he is so NOT!. Even when I’m driving him crazy, he just sits there and listens and loves me through the crazy. He doesn’t let arguments get too heated and even if he has to ask me to do things repeatedly, he smiles and loves me through it. I’m definitely learning to be more selfless and patient with him as my example.
What do you do to stay connected during everyday stresses of life? We try to talk multiple times throughout the day and at the end of the day when we’re having dinner together, in an effort to focus on the positive things we ask “What was the best part of your day?” Then right before we’re dozing off we ask, “How did you show God’s love today? How did you experience God’s love today?” Those questions keep us connected on multiple levels.
What is your best piece of marriage advice? Marry your best friend. Learn your spouse’s “Love Language” (taken from Gary Chapman’s 5 Languages of Love). By learning and practicing HIS love language will leave YOU more loved (ah the paradox that is love…). For example, Merrick’s love language is acts of service, while I’m physical touch. So getting a great big bear hug from him makes my day, and getting the household “tasks” done really make him feel loved. And sometimes you’ve gotta suck it up sister and just CHOOSE to love on that man of yours… even when it’s hard.
What is your favorite quirk about your husband? He has this funny little pose, when he stands he curls his toes and feet in towards his body. I’ve tried doing it and it’s really uncomfortable, but it’s really cute and endearing on him, especially since he doesn’t even realize he’s doing it!
What is something special you do just for your husband? I don’t drink coffee, but I make his cup o’ joe every morning before work… that lucky guy even gets me outta bed early on my days OFF to coffee him! It must be love! Although, I just asked him what he thinks is the most special thing I do for him and he said, “your weekly emails.” Every day I write down something he did that made me feel loved that day and then I email him a week’s worth of “lovies” every Sunday. (And a note to all you newlyweds – first anniversary gift is paper! Do something like this, but write them all out on post its or make a book of it or something…it’s super easy and then you’re not scrambling at the end of the year for a “paper” gift, like I was!)
Tell us something about yourself. I’m officially a mid-twenties, mid west gal at heart. I don’t think I’ll ever want to move back to Michigan from Southern California. Let’s be honest, the weather here is just TOO good! I love ANYTHING wedding and my wedding was hands down the best day of my life. I’m back in school for my Master’s and I need to sleep on the right side facing out (this caused many a problem at night when the Mister had MY side of the bed! Thankfully, we’ve since switched sides…)
I am still in search of couples so please If you are interested in being a Meet the Newlyweds featured couple, leave a comment and/or send me a message and I will get in touch with you.

sounds like a sweet couple and I love her lovie email…it’s been 12 yrs for us (on Sunday).
Lovely couple!! Are there really any husbands out there that don’t like video games?? I would like to know..