Let us Meet the Newlyweds, Matthew and Morgan. Married just 2 months ago, today, in fact!! She started her blog The Daughtridges shortly before the wedding, and has blogged about the wedding, the honeymoon, and life there after. She also blogs at Deal for Real (love the theme), where she shares some great coupon deals and there menu plan for the week. Be sure to stop by and say hi.
Wedding date: June 12, 2010
Blog (s): www.matthewandmorgandaughtridge.blogspot.com and www.dealforreal.wordpress.com
How did you meet? Matthew and I met for the first time when I was 16. He was friends with one of my cousins. He was the cool public school kid and I was the good private school girl, so nothing became of it. We met again four years later through another cousin of mine and just hit it off! I left for a two-week trip to Wyoming the next day, but we talked for hours and hours every single day.
When did you know he was the one? I don’t remember a specific moment of “Ah! He’s the one!” I never really dated a lot of people. I was very shy and reserved with my emotions, but something just felt right and I was so comfortable being myself with Matthew from the very beginning.
What is one of your favorite things to do together? We love to try new things together! I wouldn’t say we’re adventurous, but curious perhaps. We love trying new foods and traveling to new and different places. And we also love to take on home projects together, despite the fact that we are terrible at fixing things.
What is something new you learned about your husband after you were married? Matthew does not like to be woken up. He gets very ill! Also, I think that he was used to being well taken care of by his family (which I was too!), so getting him motivated to help around the house is somewhat difficult at times.
What do you do to stay connected during everyday stresses of life? No matter how conflicting our schedules may be, we try to wait for each other to get home so we can eat dinner together. I know that’s silly, but it gives us a chance to just talk about everything that happened that day and then we can go on with the rest of our day. It’s a good way to get out all of the stresses from the day so that we don’t end up taking them out on each other. Also, before we go to sleep each night, we do a devotion from a couple’s devotional book we got as a wedding gift from a family friend. It’s always pertinent, and it’s a great end to the day.
What is your best piece of marriage advice? I know we haven’t been married for long, but I feel like we have already learned a lot! I believe that communication makes a big difference and that you should respect each other enough to consider their feelings in every situation. I also think that being honest with your spouse is a great thing. It’s not really about knowing every little thing, but more about having an unbreakable trust between the two of you.
What is your favorite quirk about your husband? My favorite quirk about Matthew is that he’s afraid of the dark! He turns into the biggest baby any time you ask him to go get something from the kitchen at night. Last year we had gone to a wedding out of town with my family. Matthew was in one room and we were in the adjoining room (and the door was open between the two). At night, Matthew would not turn the TV off or the lights because he was afraid to be alone, even though we were in the room right next to him with the door opened. We laughed at him for quite a while! But he really is genuinely scared, so I try to not laugh about it as much as I used to!
What is something special you do just for your husband? Eat Chinese buffet! Matthew loves Chinese food more than anything! I like it once in a while, but I despise a buffet of any kind. Buffet food is just not good to me, especially Chinese buffet. But I give in every once in a while!
Tell us something about yourself. I am a 22-year-old who bought her own home a year ago, works full time, and attends school full time! I am trying to stretch the few dollars we have as far as I can with couponing, DIY home improvement projects, and cooking at home so that we can prepare ourselves for whatever the future may hold.
I am still in search of couples so please If you are interested in being a Meet the Newlyweds featured couple, leave a comment and/or send me a message and I will get in touch with you.

such a cute couple!