I am happy to present Kay and B who were just this August 2008.  Kay has a super cute blog called Scribble Honey where she writes post about her goals for daily life, family,  food, politics, her husband and blogging while being a professional.  She will  keep you on  your toes with her witty writing style and love of life.  Go check out her site I promise you will be hooked.  I can not fail to mention her other blog Verti in which she posts product reviews and great budget friendly finds like discount Tuxedo’s,  laptops, and insurance quotes.


Wedding date: August 16th, 2008 – We got married during the Olympics!

Blog: Scribble Honey – http://scribblehoney.com

How did you meet? We met because I sent him a message via Facebook, telling him his aviator sunglasses in his profile picture were hot sauce. Incredibly full of depth, I know. About a week later, we met face to face. We ate some Italian food and watched Little Miss Sunshine. Then we bought some Cherry Garcia ice cream & went back to his place to talk some more. He proceeded to try and seduce me via ice cream cone eating, but failed miserably when I pointed out that he had chocolate sauce all over his face.

When did you know he was the one? There were feelings of strong chemistry from the first time we talked, but after a few dates, he was staying at my house for the weekend (we lived about an hour & a half apart) and I got extremely sick with a stomach flu. He stayed up with me all night, pushing my hair back from my warm face. The next morning, as I was sleeping, he called into work and took a personal day to stay at my house with me to make sure I was okay. A guy that would do that for me after just a few dates? Definite husband material.

What is one of your favorite things to do together? Okay. Listen. I was going to try and make something fantastic up here, like sky-diving or getting matching tattoos, or hiking up local mountains. But honestly, our favorite thing is probably sitting side by side, playing on our laptops in our pajamas while eating junk food, with a good movie playing in the background.

What is something new you learned  about your spouse after you were married? The less I nag, complain, and worry – the less he resists me. If I let something go (such as his dirty socks strewn about the house) he’s more likely to pick them up on his own than if I treat him like he’s my child. After all, I married him knowing how messy he can be. And he married me knowing that I often don’t shave my legs for an entire week. It’s a fair trade.

What do you do to stay connected during everyday stresses of life?We take a daily walk with our chihuahua, Millie. Sometimes we talk the entire walk, and other times we hold hands in silence. By the time we get back to the house, we both feel refreshed and at ease. We also kiss. A lot. Because we’re kind of obsessed with each other’s faces.

What is your best piece of marriage advice? Be playful. No matter how old you get or how long you’re married – tickle each other, build forts in the living room, fast dance with each other in nerdy ways. My husband and I draw “tattoos” on each others bodies with washable marker, play board games, and sing off-tune during car rides. He emailed me once while he was at work and said, “As long as my knees don’t give out, I will always be giving you piggy back rides.” Swoon.

What is your favorite quirk about your husband? When he’s particularly stressed out about something, instead of always becoming angry & frustrated, he sings really loud, dances, or makes weird noises and contorts his body & face in strange ways to make me laugh. He is the strangest, funniest, most ridiculous person I’ve ever met. Also, where he’s a retired wrestler (and now coaches) he rarely ever has a shirt on. It’s a “wrestler thing” but it’s adorable. He has such a nice little body, too! Ow ow!

What is something special you do just for your husband? If he goes to sleep before I do, I leave him a sticky note on the front door, so he sees it as he’s leaving for work. It’s usually something short & sweet, but I like reminding him that he’s my best friend I’ve ever had. He’s such a good person and a hard worker. I like helping him start his day off on a positive note.

Tell us something about yourself. I tell everyone everything about myself on my blog, it’s my footprint I’m making on this Earth


I hope you all come back for next weeks rendition of Meet the Newlyweds. I will give you a hint her name is Angela and she really likes dogs.  Any guesses?

If you would like to be featured or know of another Newlywed blogger, please leave me a comment or email me.

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17 Responses

  1. this is a great interview of kay. she is fun, exciting, and her blog is amazing. she is so much better in real life :). you can never have a dull moment with her, even if you are just sitting pj’s, skipping classes, and watching t.v. all morning.

  2. That’s such a cute story how B took care of her when she was sick right after they met. No wonder she kept him around!!

  3. I of course love the interview because, by hopping over to her blog, I found out she is a kentucy girl like me! 🙂 I like her writing style…she’s pretty funny!

  4. kay owns my soul.

    haha, no really – she’s an amazing person. reading about her & b together is very inspiring, such a good couple to feature. people could learn something from them!

    even if it is just how to eat chocolate & play video games like a pro 🙂 🙂

  5. thank you so much!!!!! 🙂 i loved giving the interview, and b is going to get all excited to see comments and stuff… he gets quite giddy when the ladies give him props for being a good husband… haha.

  6. Sheila- I agree that photo shows they are a fun loving couple.

    Jess- I take it you guys know each other in real life, how fun.

    Susie- I agree they are cute!

    Jenny- I know how sweet of him, she found a keeper.

    Jill- How neat, maybe you guys could meet in real life.

    Jordan- Any fun stories your willing to share?

    Kay- Thanks for the interview, be sure to show B.

    Desiree- You’ve got it right an awesome couple.

  7. Sara- they really are a super cute couple.

    Tabitha- I know!

    Jordan-How fun, maybe I can steal the idea for a Texas Gals get together, any takers?

  8. Oh heck. Jenna, you were right. I’m hooked! Because, you know, I NEED another blog to read. I don’t have enough. 😉

    Great interview and great photo!

  9. thanks for having us on your awesome site, we will be back to check up on new interviews. also thanks to everyone for the nice comments.

    with kalen everything is easy and it just feels right.
    -billy (b)

  10. I love this interview. I’ve only had the pleasure of knowing these two for a short time but they certainly are an inspiration to all at the dedication and compassion of true love and the transition from children to the coming generation of parents, lovers, and role models. These two have constantly shown me that love is not constrained to any boundaries or classic definitions. These two show their commitment day in and day out in all of the smallest ways. If the rest of the world were lucky enough to have what these two experience, all of humanity would be better off for it…

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