Lets Meet the Newlyweds Joshua and Heather. Heather has a wonderfully glamorous blog called Mrs. Southern Bride. She has several obvious loves, her hubby, chocolate, and Starbucks. She also has several fab recipes on her blog. Lookie at this one Homemade Oreos, yum! She also has a free stuff blog My Money Chef, sharing all of the wonderful online deals and specials. Be sure to check them out!
Joshua and Heather Pedersen
Wedding date: April 25th, 2009!
Blog (s): www.mrssouthernbride.com and checkoutthefabulous.blogspot.com (free stuff blog)
How did you meet? We met through mutual friends, and both started attending the same Bible Study! I knew his twin brother, but had never met him.
When did you know he was the one? We became best friends before we were even dating. So when it finally became official, I knew he was “the one”. I realized that I loved and trusted him more than anyone.
What is one of your favorite things to do together? Cooking & Traveling! If we had it our way, I think we’d travel just about every weekend!
What is something new you learned about your spouse after you were married? He’s not big on trying new foods.
What do you do to stay connected during everyday stresses of life? E-mails and phone calls throughout the day. Simple words of encouragement go a long way!
What is your best piece of marriage advice? Keep Dating! That should never stop!!
What is your favorite quirk about your husband? He’s convinced that Pasta is the best food on the planet.
What is something special you do just for your husband? I e-mail him first thing when I get to work. I also pray for him every day.
Tell us something about yourself. My favorite meal is cooked by Josh, called Pesto. I would eat it every day if possible. I’m also a sucker for salsa & chips….paired with good ‘ol Southern Sweet Tea!

pasta is the best food on the planet 😉 Glad you’ve discovered this from your hubby! Cute blog, by the way!
They’re so cute – and what a cute blog she has too, I’m going to go check it out!
Chips and salsa? Pasta? Why, I know I’d like them…hehe 🙂
What a cute couple:-)
Hey, I tagged you in my blog, cuz! Check it out 🙂 I think I will make those muffins next weekend…they looked so delicious!!!
I love her blog, it’s one of my favourite reads!