Let’s Meet the Newlyweds Jeff and Kayla. Kayla has a super cute blog Kayla Aimee: Only Slightly Neurotic. Neurotic? I think not but down right hilarious. Yes. This girl can get into some pickles. Her and Jeff have recently moved and are renovating their new home and doing an awesome job, I just love before and after shots. Kayla is also a scrap booking queen she is awesome check out some of her work here. She and Jeff are a really cute fun couple be sure to check them out. Now on to the interview!
Wedding date: 12/22/2006
Blog (s): http://kaylaaimee.typepad.com
How did you meet?We were friends in high school and college but lost touch for a few years after. A friend invited him to a BBQ I was having and we reconnected then when I offered to share my cream soda with him. I don’t share my cream soda with just anyone.
When did you know he was the one?
I was pretty certain of that when I was 17. I had a dream that I married him and then I wrote about it in his yearbook. Apparently, that was too forward for him because he took me to dinner to break the news that he didn’t like me (http://kaylaaimee.typepad.com/ce_jour/2009/10/the-date-that-wasnt.html). He waited 3 more years to date me…After we started dating my father was in a terrible accident and Jeff camped out on the ICU waiting room floor night after night so that I wouldn’t be sleeping at the hospital by myself. One day a little old lady who’s husband was dying in the room next to my father looked at me and said “Girlie, I think that boy loves you” and I hoped that he did.
What is one of your favorite things to do together?
Play ping-pong. We are maniacs about it. We even handmade our own paddles.
What is something new you learned about your husband after you were married?
That if you send him out to buy a new shower curtain, he will come home with a plastic one that has bright yellow rubber duckies all over it because apparently, he does not believe in spending more than $5 on a shower curtain. (http://kaylaaimee.typepad.com/ce_jour/2008/01/husbands.html)
What do you do to stay connected during everyday stresses of life?
We try to focus on things that make each other happy. We play guitar together (he is admittedly much better than I am). And we support one another’s hobbies. I go watch him play tennis. He sits and looks through my newest scrapbook pages. \
What is your best piece of marriage advice?
I know that the more I focus on my relationship with God, the more connected I feel to my husband and the easier it is for me to love him with abandon. I want to make sure that I am always someone he is comfortable being vulnerable with, that I am a soft place for his heart to rest. So I focus on those things, because without them it is really easy for marriage to turn into just cohabitation.
What is your favorite quirk about your husband?
He won’t let anyone touch his laundry. He’s really particular about how it is done, so he does his own. You can see how this would be at the top of my lists of Things I Like About Jeff, right?
What is something special you do just for your husband?
Wear my hair in a ponytail. That might not seem special to those of you who don’t have ears that make you look like you belong in an Elvin scene from The Lord Of The Rings, but trust me. It’s a big deal.
Tell us something about yourself.
I’m a social media marketing manager by day and a professional scrap booker by night. I teach online scrapbooking workshops and I use a lot of glitter. I enjoy writing, renovating my house and really good fitting jeans. I’m very tiny and sometimes people mistake me for a child. Or a leprechaun. If I could meet any celebrity it would be Hilary Duff because of my intense love of the show Lizzie McGuire, even though I’m 26.
If you are interested in being a featured newlywed couple leave me a comment, and I will get in touch with you.
Be sure to gather up your pumpkin posts and enter my pumpkin round-up. Please see here for more details!

Oh my gosh so cute! I love KA! She is downright hilarious and always makes my day!
KA! I <3 your story and all the visual aspects you provide. You are an awesome sixth grader…well, you know what I mean.
What a beautiful couple!! They sound so sweet. 🙂
You guys sound like a great couple. You’re almost at the 3 year stage now – a lot of couples don’t even get that far! Hope you have many more happy years together. If ever anything goes wrong(hopefully not), feel free to head to our site for some marriage advice hehe.
This comment was awesome! Words all of us should live by in each of our relationships – with spouses, children, parents, friends, everyone!
“What is your best piece of marriage advice?
I know that the more I focus on my relationship with God, the more connected I feel to my husband and the easier it is for me to love him with abandon. I want to make sure that I am always someone he is comfortable being vulnerable with, that I am a soft place for his heart to rest. So I focus on those things, because without them it is really easy for marriage to turn into just cohabitation.”