Please welcome Alex and Stephanie as this weeks newlywed couple. They are a super sweet couple who blog at Our Marriage Adventure. Or really Stephie blogs there not sure if Alex has or not. She blogs about their daily goings on, like Alex’s love of his Jeep, or how they’ve come to a nightly routine. It’s a joy to read, be sure to check them out. On to the interview.
Wedding date: September 12, 2009
Blog (s):Our Marriage Adventure
How did you meet? Funny story actually, we met at a bar through my ex boyfriend. I had just moved back to the area and my ex invited me to hang out with him and a bunch of others including his roommate (Alex). From what I understand, he told Alex that he wanted him to meet this girl but that she was a preacher’s daughter so to keep it calm. Alex being Alex popped out with a rather shocking “How the [heck] are you?” and when I responded in like he was intrigued. I later stole his hat while playing pool, something he had never let go by unchallenged in the past, and from there I had him hooked!
When did you know he was the one? Two moments, the first one was more internal and it’s when I introduced him to my parents he held the door open to their house for me. My Momma had always told me that when she finally saw a guy not only hold the door for me, but that I also allowed to hold the door, well that she would start saving for my wedding. So when he did that I thought to myself that he might be the one. But I really knew when he showed me that he was serious by saying as we were out walking one evening “You are my forever woman. I wish my mom was alive to meet you.”
What is one of your favorite things to do together? One of my favorite things to do is get out into the outdoors and go on jeep rides. We love “adventuring” by going horseback riding, hiking, visiting old battlefields, and just going for walks, but to do all that we always take Alex’s jeep wrangler.
What is something new you learned about your husband after you were married? That he is a very emotionally strong person. Our relationship was fast and happy and wonderful, but a little over 6 months into our marriage I lost a dear sibling of the heart, a close co-worker, and had the anniversary of my younger brother’s death all of which caused me to spiral down somewhere I didn’t want or need to be. And Alex, he stepped up in a HUGE way. He’s the reason I laugh every single day.
What do you do to stay connected during everyday stresses of life? We text occasionally throughout our workdays, but the one thing we try very hard to do is have dinner together every single night. That is our re-connect time.
What is your best piece of marriage advice? That you should count to “ten” in any argument. You are going to fight, and as long as it’s fair fighting its actually healthy for your marriage. It’s when you completely stop fighting because you just don’t care that it’s a problem, but you do need to fight fair. One way to do that is to always count to ten mentally before replying to some injustice, insensitive comment, or poor behavior. If you both do that your fights will be less gut reaction and more constructive discussion.
What is your favorite quirk about your husband? That he stirs everything that can be stirred upon opening it. Fresh tub of butter – stirs it. Mayonnaise, cream cheese, mustard, yogurt, even ice cream will not escape his desire to stir it. And when I dare to open an item and (the horror!) use it before I stir it he immediately takes it from my hand to stir it so that it will be “good.”
What is something special you do just for your husband? I stick little notes in his jeep, lunchbox, wallet, etc. Just to say I love you. I know when he’s stressed or frustrated or just plain tired it’s nice to get a word of love or encouragement.
Tell us something about yourself. This question is so hard for me! Well because I’m pretty random according to all my friends, I guess I can tell everyone that I’m addicted to red grapes with American cheese and cool ranch Doritos. In the same bowl. It’s a really yummy snack! And yes that does make Alex fear my future pregnancy cravings.
I am still in search of couples so please If you are interested in being a Meet the Newlyweds featured couple, leave a comment and/or send me a message and I will get in touch with you.

Thank you for the sweet intro and the feature!
Yay! It’s Stephanie. What a fun interview, though I have to say – weird snack Stephanie. 🙂
Hey don’t knock the snack till you try it! All that sweet tastes plus the salty chips. SOOO GOOD!
I knew this would be a good interview when I read ….she’s a preacher’s daughter, keep it calm,………lol.
And I’ll tell you, this is one FUN pic! GREAT expression!
Thanks Sheila! The photographer told him to guess me…so he kissed my nose. I couldn’t help but crack up.
Seriously cute couple and cute blog too! (Those wedding pictures are gorgeous! Probably has something to do with the cute couple in them.) 🙂
Aww, thanks a bunch Tabitha!