Let’s Meet the Newlyweds Adam and Stephanie, married now just shy of 2 months. Stephanie blogs at Queen of Quirky and has been since May 2005, now that has to be a record, 5 years of blogging, Wow. She writes often about her Hubby, food, friends, even running a marathon. Trust me a lot happens in 5 years, and you can spend hours upon hours reading through Stephanie’s Quirky journey.
*Photo BlueRue Studio Photography
Wedding date: February 27, 2010
Blog (s): www.queenofquirky.com
How did you meet? We met on Match.com! He winked at me first. (Winking is Match.com’s way of saying you are interested without sending an actual note.) Usually, I wouldn’t respond to winks because I wanted a real message if a guy was interested. But there was something very different about his profile and I had to find out more!
It turns out, he winked because he hadn’t paid yet and he wanted to see if I was interested before paying the monthly fee. After I wrote him, he paid the fee to read my note and wrote back within hours. We exchanged witty e-mails for a few days and had our first date within the week.
When did you know he was the one?
We just got each other. There was something very easy about the way we connected. I think I probably knew on the first date, but I was recently divorced and it took a while for me to trust my heart. I would say after we took a trip to Disney Land after about three months, I knew we would be together forever.
What is one of your favorite things to do together?
We love to go see movies together. And we both hate to miss the trailers. We also love to entertain together. We are a good team at pulling off an impromptu grilling or movie night.
What is something new you learned about your husband after you were married?
That he is a wonderful husband. I know this sounds obvious, but I had been married before and had a warped perception of what a husband could be. Adam is everything I deserve in a husband and more. Every day he amazes me with his love and partnership.
What do you do to stay connected during everyday stresses of life?
We talk. Adam is a good problem solver and when we are stressed, he is good at keeping me (for the most part) of that panic stage. We also share a love for our dog and find her to be the best comic relief from life’s stress. Adam loves to get her hyped up and watch her run in a goofy way throughout the house. We end up in a roar of laughter over it.
What is your best piece of marriage advice?
I feel a little ill-equipped to answer this one, as I’ve been married for less than two months, but I would say to just stay connected and remember the love and commitment, even when you are frustrated. I would also like to add for those who have been divorced that you can love again, and to remember that should you remarry, make sure you keep working on yourself regardless of what caused your first marriage to end. Don’t avoid your past, but make sure you make better decisions in the future.
What is your favorite quirk about your husband?
He is a nerd. We were watching Iron Man last night and he kept pausing it to show me all these little inside comic book references. He just got so excited about it, I couldn’t help but love him even more.
What is something special you do just for your husband?
I get involved in his life and get to know his friends who share his interests. Even when I don’t understand everything, I try to learn about things that matter to him, such as his nerd stuff. Since we’ve been together, I’ve learned more about comic books and gaming than I ever imagined.
Tell us something about yourself.
I cannot hula hoop. I’ve tried a bajillion times and I just don’t think my hips move that way. I would have been a failure child in the 1960’s.
I am running out of couples so please If you are interested in being a Meet the Newlyweds featured couple, leave a comment and/or send me a message and I will get in touch with you.

What a cutie and what a great blog too! Congrats on your recent marriage and may you have many, many years of happiness ahead of you!
What a great couple! My husband is a geek – he’d rather be a geek than a nerd. Yes those are his words 🙂 Who knew there was a difference?! But when we watch the comic book-turned-movie he points out the references too.
This was so much fun to do. Thanks for the opportunity. Also, my friend DD Girl is going to be making those pork chops tonight. =)