Lets Meet the Newlyweds Adam and Natalie.  Natalie blogs at The Bobby Pin a super neat blog about her life as she puts it “Life is scattered, like bobby pins are in your bathroom drawer”.   She writes great posts like fun thanksgiving traditions, money saving tips, and how to throw a great party. Natalie has a great unique writing style and I just love her wide range of topics, makes for interesting reading.  Be sure to check it out.  Now on to the interview!


Wedding date: July 28, 2007

Blog (s): The Bobby Pin

How did you meet? At the courthouse. But don’t worry, we didn’t get arrested. I was a newspaper reporter, and he was a clerk. I had to drop by everyday for work, and I made sure that he was always the one helping me. Finally he noticed me, and it was love from then out.

When did you know he was the one? We started dating during a particularly bad Utah winter. I hated the cold and declared that we were spending the New Year in Las Vegas where Adam was from. During the 5-hour drive there and the 5-hour drive back we started almost every sentence with “hypothetically if we got married…” and planned our life. Something about the whole conversation made me realize it wasn’t as much hypothetical as it was reality.

So we dated for two months and then were engaged for five. It was awesome.

What is one of your favorite things to do together? We love to try new things. Whether it is day trips to a new part of town or a new restaurant, we love to go out and do “stuff.” We plan our weekend adventures by email all week.

What is something new you learned about your husband after you were married? How responsible he is. He’s cleaner than I am too. He recently told me that chicken isn’t a protein and that’s why he wants red meat all the time, to get protein. So yeah, he’s awesome.

What do you do to stay connected during everyday stresses of life? We make the day to day life stuff fun — going grocery shopping together and getting froyo afterward. We make time for each other, be it five minutes to talk at the end of the day or our mandatory Friday date night.

What is your best piece of marriage advice? To find someone who is on your team 24/7. Who makes you feel great inside and out. And when you find that person, cut them some slack.

What is your favorite quirk about your husband? Husband loves his naps. He pretty much goes back to bed for a few hours if he can find the time. It’s cute.

What is something special you do just for your husband? Well what is this blog rated… j/k. I tell him my secrets and give him my trust and confidence. I think the little things go a long way. Oh, and I cook for him. Without me, he’d be living on take out and mac and cheese. So I keep my husband alive. IMPORTANT.

Tell us something about yourself. I am a Utah girl born and raised, but love living in the snow-free San Diego. I love penguins and sunsets and girly things, but I am also a geek for technology like Google Wave and all things Twitter and blogging. I have a BS in communications and am currently getting ready to go after an MBA in marketing.

If you are interested in being a featured newlywed couple leave me a comment, and I will get in touch with you.

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7 Responses

  1. Thanks for letting me do this! It was so much fun!!

    Oh, maybe I didn’t word it right Bekah – that was husband’s way of justifying eating steak. He only likes red meat. But chicken is cheaper and healthier!

  2. Thank you for sharing. I loved reading about this incredible couple and how they keep their marriage alive. What a great example they are. Great questions, too.

  3. super cute! I would love to do this too! we just made our 3 year anniversary back in Nov. so I guess we are not in the honeymoon stage anymore. haha. Love ur blog, its precious.

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