Welcome to Meet the Newlyweds, today we are featuring Ryan and Meg. Morning Cup with Meg is a little about everything, as Meg puts it; coffee and conversation, one of life’s greatest pleasures. Shes been blogging for quite some time now (since 2007) so I spent some time looking through the archives, and how much her life changed in 3 years. She’s had heartbreak, found true love with Ryan and is now happily married, I just love their story. Be sure to check it out.
Wedding date: May 23rd, 2009
Blog (s): I blog regularly at Morning Cup With Meg, where I post my thoughts on life, faith and everything in between. My husband doesn’t have a blog…yet!
How did you meet? We met through a young adult group at church. What’s funny is that we had both been engaged previously, and had broken up with our respective exes right around the same time. We met about six months after these break-ups, and hit it off instantly.
When did you know he was the one? I honestly think I knew from the beginning, but I really knew when he drove 30 minutes to my home in the middle of the night when I called him because I was having horrible abdominal pain. He drove right over and sat with me the whole night. I think that’s when my parents knew too.
What is one of your favorite things to do together? My husband and I love to do a lot of things, but I think our favorite thing to do is rent a movie and snuggle up on the couch together. As crazy as life can be sometimes, it’s nice to know that I can come home and relax with the person who knows me best.
What is something new you learned about your husband after you were married? He rarely gets upset. I’m a pretty high-strung person, and I tend to go from fine to ridiculously upset in about 60 seconds. My husband is very level-headed and never lets his emotions get the best of him. I suppose I already realized this, but I really saw how he held it together during the first months of our marriage when my unemployment was really stressing me out.
What do you do to stay connected during everyday stresses of life? Honestly, we just love to spend time together. Going out to dinner, taking in a movie, just relaxing at home. We like to keep things low key, since work and other elements of our lives are sometimes a bit stressful.
What is your best piece of marriage advice? TALK. I know that seems like a simple concept, but so many couples don’t really talk. My husband and I talk on the phone periodically during the day, we wake up early to spend time together before work, and we spend most of our nights together. Even when you’re having disagreements, if you take the time to communicate and really listen to your spouse, you will find that your marriage is a WHOLE lot happier. Though honest communication is sometimes difficult, you will love your spouse all the more when things are said and done.
What is your favorite quirk about your husband? My husband has many quirks but I think one of his best is that he is not satisfied until he has really fixed something. He’s a very handy guy, and if something doesn’t look the way he wants it to, he’s not happy until it looks just right.
What is something special you do just for your husband? I send him little messages and texts every day just letting him know that I love him. Life is too short not to say those three little words as often as you can.
Tell us something about yourself. I have a master’s degree in English and am currently working in the marketing field. I would one day love to transition into publishing or full-time writing, but for now I spend a lot of my spare time writing on my blog, Morning Cup With Meg.
I am still in search of couples so please If you are interested in being a Meet the Newlyweds featured couple, leave a comment and/or send me a message and I will get in touch with you.

How sweet! They sound like a great couple 🙂 I just featured Meg on my blog today too! haha