It happens sometimes, that you, have a spur of the moment guests ,and they are coming for lunch, like now!!
So I threw together some grilling beans with a little seasoning added. Hey it’s last minute here they aren’t expecting the works.
Sliced up a watermelon.
DT threw some meat on the grill you know just some sausage, ribs and chicken!
And I made my super duper easy quick tasty cherry pie, with store bought crust.
It helps to have all these things in the pantry so no last minute store runs.
What are your favorite last minute foods?

I love cherry pie! You know those Hostess fried cherry pies? I could eat them all day long! I wonder what it would taste like if you added a block of cream cheese? I might try it! Love it!
@Candi @ Family Stamping and FOOD, Oh Cream cheese would only make it better, try it!
Hmmmmmmmmmm. Strawberry shortcake.
We actually make quick meals very similar to this – BBQ Chicken legs, quick marinated chicken breast… I like to keep ingredients on hand for spaghetti or enchiladas. Both meals that I make from scratch and seem like they took a lot of time, but not really 🙂