So I have been researching ways to save money and I came across this recipe for homemade laundry soap she explains in great detail how it works and how inexpensive it is to make and how it costs about .01 cent per load.  I decided hey I can make this and save money a double win.  My grocery store did not have Frels Naptha soap, so I bought a similar product called Lirio and it has a lavender scent so perfect for me, I love lavender.

I think it really cleans the boys and my clothes very well and leaves a small bit of fragrance, but mainly the clothes just smell like downy.  This recipe is great for HE washer’s because it’s a very low sudsing laundry detergent, so when we finally get a new washer and dryer I will be able to use it, yea!

Ingredients: 1/3 bar soap, 1/2 cup washing soda, 1/2 cup borax, lots of water, 2 gallon bucket


Grate 1/3 of the bar soap


Put grated soap in large stock pot add 6 cups of water


and heat until soap is melted.


then add 1/2 cup borax,


and 1 /2cup washing soda.


Stir until well incorporated


now in a large 2 gallon bucket, or I used an old clean lidded cat litter bucket, add the soap mixture.


Then add 4 cups hot water (i heated it in the microwave) stir well


Then add 1 gallon of water and


another 6 cups of water.


Stir well and let sit for 24 hours to gel


Once it gels use 1/2 cup for a load of laundry


I did a little test to see how well it cleans




After- great job!  It doesn’t really have a scent at all, so the laundry just smells like the fabric softener I used.


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Homemade Laundry Soap

1/3 bar Fels Naptha or other similar type soap

½ cup washing soda

½ cup borax powder

~You will also need a small bucket, about 2 gallon size~

Grate the soap and put it in a sauce pan.  Add 6 cups water and heat it until the soap melts.  Add the washing soda and the borax and stir until it is dissolved.  Remove from heat.  Pour 4 cups hot water into the bucket.   Now add your soap mixture and stir.  Now add 1 gallon plus 6 cups of water and stir.  Let the soap sit for about 24 hours and it will gel.  You use ½ cup per load.

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16 Responses

  1. I LOVE love love this recipe !!! I have started making my own laundry soap and will NOT go back to the store brand if I can help it. [0=

    Thank you for ALL your TWT tips for 2008. You are VERY much appreciated. ((hug))

    Blessings in Him<

  2. Forgot to add — you can contact the company who makes the borax and they will send you a $1.00 off coupon, thus saving you even more!

  3. Glad to hear this is a good recipe — I found the same recipe a few weeks ago and bought all the ingredients, but I’m waiting for my big bottle of Ecos detergent to run out. I already had the Fels Naptha soap on hand — which works great on stain removal — so your version might come in handy the same way!

  4. One more thing: you can use vinegar instead of fabric softener in the rinse. Even more thrifty!

  5. I noticed that your recipe is different from the one I use. The soap you used is twice the size of a bar of Fels Naptha, so I
    used 1/6 of a bar of Lirio or 1/3 Fels Napth, 1/2 Cup each of washing soda and borax to 2 gallons of water. I use 1/2 Cup per load and every thing comes out clean. Basically you use twice as much as I do. I wonder if it has to do with the hardness of your water. Either way it’s still cheaper than store bought. I know that I won’t go back. Happy washing to all.

  6. Does anyone know of a good “recipe” for making homemade shower cleaner? I’m looking for the kind that you can buy in a trigger bottle that you spray after every shower and just leave it on without rinsing.

  7. Really enjoy getting this reciepe, can’t wait to try it. Is there any fragrance that you could add? Let me know of any more home remedies love saving money any way I can.

  8. I’ve finished scouring the web for other recipes and found many of them with the same ratio of borax, washing soda that I used! I’m no longer freaking out that the detergent is going to eat my clothes! Sorry for the panic! It will be ok, I’m sure!

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