It has been an eventful 1st birthday for G and C. It started with the babies having colds, runny noses and red eyes and major case of the fussies. Not the birthday I had planned which included a cake smash photo session that was delayed.
This morning they were feeling a little better or so I thought, so we went ahead with the cake smash. C pretty much cried the whole time…
I think the photos turned out pretty well despite the tears, I love them.
First we started off with a little cowboy photos, the littles in their big brother’s hats and boots.
G loved it
There was a little fussing in between.
Or maybe alot!
The start of the cake smash, G dives right in. C cries….
My first taste is pretty yummy.
C decides to try some too.
Oh, this is pretty good.
Let’s get in there.
Who wants some cake? I’m serving.
Bubba this is fun.
C has had enough.
and made a pretty good mess.
G wasn’t quite done.
Happy Birthday sweet boys! Mommy and Daddy love you so much.

Looks like an eventful photo shoot! Man they are getting big fast!