Chicken porn, eye candy, good eats. What ever you want to call them, I just love the look of these beautiful eggs.
This is the ultimate for me, the reason I got chickens in the first place. The beautiful colored eggs.
In the beginning I didn’t even know there were so many colors.
And look at me now, the proud owner of these beauties.
These are incubating as we speak. So in a few short weeks I will have more chicks that produce these gorgeous colors.
Easter Eggers, Olive Eggers and Black Copper Marans, are responsible for these colors.
*except for the white, and light brown eggs*
I’ve been a egg selling fool lately, can you blame me?
I can’t bear to eat these, they must be hatched!
Have you ever seen eggs like these before?
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Those ARE beautiful! Red eggs? I had no idea!
@Sarah, Thanks, really they are a dark chocolate color but for some reason they come photo more reddish.
Your eggs are beautiful! I had no idea chickens could produce such a rainbow.
They are so beautiful!!! I know I say that every time, but they really are. Thanks for sharing them! I’m doing my “chicken-living” vicariously through you!
Those eggs are gorgeous! I can’t wait to see the baby chicks!
Those are beautiful eggs, but you tricked me! I thought this was going to be a recipe for candy!
So pretty!! Wow. Love them.
Those eggs are truly pretty…wish I lived closer to you so we could watch ’em hatch.
Clearly these are the post that make me want to own Chickens. For now we will continue to live vicariously through you, but maybe one day….maybe!!
Soooo pretty!!! I hope we can keep chickens someday, but I think they might not be too happy if they have to live on my teeny balcony *L* So right now might not be the right time.
Love the different colors. I’ve seen the different brown eggs before. My parents raise chickens, but I don’t get to be around them very much…it would be SO NICE to have farm fresh eggs all the time.
They are beautiful!
not to sound totally stupid…
but i know i am, so i am ready…
they came out looking like this?
if so……..
WOW, i had NO IDEA…. Beautiful
@noelle, No Noelle, not stupid at all. Trust me about 3 years ago I never knew all these colors exsisted either!
They are laid like that by certain breeds of chickens that lay these wonderful colors. Aren’t they fun.
Good Morning!
I’m presently a citified country girl. I was raised in the country but married a city boy and got stuck here in Washington, DC. Anyways, I have seen your beautifully colored eggs on Pintrest. I am not interested in obtaining fertilized eggs, but would love about two dozen of your beautifully colored eggs. How much do you charge per dozen and how do you ship them? We used to buy eggs, fresh milk, butter and homemade pies from the Amish farms whenever I got to feeling homesick. I’m looking forward to hearing back from you! Thank you for sharing your beautiful blog!
Deborah Hairston