Last year, my In-laws were supplying us with fresh eggs for over six months, it had gotten to the point that we were so spoiled on fresh eggs, that I couldn’t bare to buy store bought eggs anymore. So I asked my In-laws to bring us 4 chickens, we set up the under-stairs of the boys playhouse as our chicken coop. I initially thought a chicken was just a chicken, but did I soon find out that chickens each have their own unique personalities and pecking order within each other. It’s quite fascinating to watch.
As time progressed and a switch up of some new chickens, they grew on me. We started letting them free range in the yard, and their personalities grew, they would jump up in the chair with me, just to say hi, or see if I had any treats. They would follow my boys around or even ride in their toy gator with them. They are so friendly and even like us, I didn’t expect that.
Soon as the spring rolled around and I was thoroughly enjoying my girls, DT brought me home 2 Easter Egger chicks and a surprise 2 ducks. Well 2 chicks turned into 8. Which then spurred my love for a variety of different breeds, all shapes, colors and colored eggs.
I was soon ordering hatching eggs, and have had lots of success after a major learning curve, it’s not quite as simple as it may seem. Then I ordered even more chicks, and DT picked up a few more for me, so that brings the chicken total up to a helluva lot of chickens. Some will be re-homed as they show themselves as roosters. But the rest will by my beautiful flock of egg layers.
Who wouldn’t love eggs like these?