Guest Post: The 5 Love Languages

I’d like to welcome Cassie from True Agape. She is guest posting today about the 5 love languages. I love these wonderful ideas, I think we all can use these great tools as a reminder that we do need to show and share our love and make the effort to do so more often. I […]
Just call me a hole digger, burying person

I feel as though death has taken up permanent residence in our home…. In the past 6 months I’ve had more deaths than in the past 6 years; 2 grandparents, 1 pregnancy, 1 dog, 1 kitten, several chickens, tons of chicks and lots of fish. Just this week 3 deaths (1 chicken, 1 kitten, 1 […]
Continued from Post Molar Pregnancy

Continued from Post Molar Pregnancy ..I struggle as I try to figure out the lesson behind this all. What am I supposed to learn from this? Why did God test me like this? During Pop-po’s funeral services, I was utterly astounded by the love and support from so many that loved my dear Pop-po and us. […]
Post Molar Pregnancy

It’s been two months since my extraction from the molar pregnancy and the death of my grandfather. Two very fast months. Two months since my life would change forever. I think I might actually be able to write about it now. I am writing for my own healing, some of it is a little raw […]
Our First Date

5 years ago tonight was our first date. I thought I would tell the funny story of our first date. But first a little back ground: I was 22 and attending what some might call a party school good ole Southwest Texas Texas State University located in San Marcos (SM). (a piece of my heart […]
8 years ago today

I can’t believe it has been 8 years ago today when our country had the single most tragic terrorism attack. 8 years ago just seems like yesterday, I was 19 and attending our local junior college, getting ready to go to class when I was watching the news that 1 plane flew into the World […]
the only "writing" I really do

Over my entire school career (excluding college) when given a writing assignment I would scribble it out in less than 10 minutes, once I knew what I was going to write I had no problem but to write it out fast and I mean I can write fast. I wanted to get it over with as […]