Shrimp Linguine

Shrimp Linguine Anyone loving Tik Toks? I know I am a bit too much. But this recipe came from a great tiktok-er @msba3. When I saw it I just had to make it, I loved the combo idea of lemon, tomato paste and cream. I have made it twice now and H my 13 year […]
New Design

Hey Guys, it’s been awhile and……. I was “forced” well some plugins stopped working and my site wasn’t working, but we got that taken care of thanks to Ashley @ Get Social on facebook. Now the blog, the Kitchen, menu plans and more are mobile friendly and and fresh updated look too. The Kitchen– has […]
Menu Plan Monday

Back to school nights routine and my mother in law is staying with us for the next few weeks while she heals from surgery and we are adjusting just fine to her needs and diet. It actually should pair just fine with my Trim Healthy mama lifestyle diet. I am still trucking along with the […]
Menu Plan Monday

Summer is in full swing, we had swim lessons, sleep overs with friends and cousins, birthday parties, waterpark and more this week. I love the “lazy” days of summer, but the mosquitoes have got to go, they are so bad right now…. Off does nearly nothing to stop them. Any tips on something better?? With […]
Menu Plan Monday

*I have a FABFITFUN Giveaway through this Tuesday, stop by to enter to win.* Summer is no excuse to jump off the menu planning bandwagon, I am still planning our meals, even if they don’t work out exactly as planned (busy summer) it’s still a major time saver to have meals ready to be prepared. […]
Hello Fresh- Food Subscription Review

If you’re ready to try Hello Fresh, and don’t want to read my entire review, you can use my link to get $40 off your first box. <– That’s quite a deal! I have been getting the Hello Fresh food subscriptions for a about 4 weeks now, and have so enjoyed all the meals. It’s nice […]
10 day cleanse menu plan

I started the cleanse today, eek first time in almost 2 years, wow! I am super excited to do the cleanse and get back on track with my eating and hopefully weight loss. This go round I tried the peaches and cream fiber drink and I am happy to say it tastes much better than […]
Menu Plan Monday

I am back to menu planning, oh how I have missed my organized household and kitchen. Things have been crazy this pregnancy, between not feeling well and having no energy, we ate out lots, had more frozen pizza than I’d like to admit. But I am so happy to be feeling better and back in […]
Pumpkin Coconut Shrimp Curry

I have made this recipe from Wishful Chef, about 6 times now. I seriously love the flavor combinations so very much. I could eat it once a week for my whole life, it’s that kind of recipe. Every time I make it the boys say, curry again…. don’t get me wrong, they love it too, […]
1st day of Prek- 4

Time is simply flying by and my babies are growing each day. I hate to admit that. But it’s true. I need to put some bricks on their heads, stop growing. Gotta love those country kids! It goes back and forth from truck driver, ricer (rice farmer) and cotton farmer. My little love bugs. They […]