C and G 5th Birthday

G and C turned 5 and we celebrated with a museum Beach themed party. Oh gosh how I miss blogging about silly daily things and recipes too. Anyone miss me?? 🙂 Anywho, back to birthday party, we also opened oysters with colored pearls inside, toured the musuem and played with friends, not to mention yummy […]
Dear G and C

I came across this post of you after you turned 2 and I wrote sweet little letters about your selves that I thought I would never forget, and alas I had forgotten. So I vowed to myself to post more for you, and me. I never want to forget, even the small things. As you […]
Sneaky Snacks

So the other day the babies were playing out side and I was feeding the chickens and I walked up to this scene (of course I ran for my camera). What you are looking at is not a trash can, but the dog food can. The babies managed to push their wagon over to it, […]
C & G 9 months

I took 9 month photos of the babies today, outside, a gorgeous weather day in their little pearl snap tractor onesies. The babies have changed so much in the 1 month since my last post. They are everywhere, climbing up to stand on everything, and crawling so fast. I have to constantly run and shut […]
C and G 8 months

I am a little late getting their 8 months post up, so they turned 8 months old on the 14th and today is the 22nd, ahem. I’ve been busy? Out of town? Forgot? Lots of excuses, but I did take these photos 1 day after they turned 8 months, so they are accurate, I just haven’t […]
C and G 6 months

So the babies are 6 months old now, and as I say and will always say, it’s going too fast. Each day they are doing something new, whether it be sitting on their own a little longer, or eating a new food, or making a new noise. They still nurse 5-6 times a day and […]
C and G 3 months old

My little sweet peas are 3 months old already. They are more and more alert and flirty each day. I live for those coos, smiles and cheese. Their big brothers still love smooching all over the babies numerous times each day and if they are still sleeping in the morning when they wake up, they […]
C and G 2 months

The littles are 2 months old, as of yesterday, and I almost forgot, eek! 2 months already, ugh. This is going way too fast. So far, at 2 months, the babies have already gone camping, to the beach, to the museum, Lalo’s house, Grannie’s house, 2 birthday parties, swimming in our pop up pool, walking in […]
8 weeks old

I am having so much fun taking pictures of my little guys. It is really sparking my interest in photography. I want to learn technical details and about those special little buttons on my fancy camera, lighting, and more about post editing. Too bad I don’t have more free time. But for now I will just […]
1 month old

My babies are 1 month old and it has just flown by. I am going to take monthly pictures with these super cute stickers my aunt Sheri gave us. I am already having fun thinking of neat photo sessions. 1 month photos in big brothers’ tonka dump trucks!! At this age they are the perfect posers, […]