Thankful Thursday

This week has been a tough one for me with the loss of Sable and trying to get the remodel moving along and all the baking I have been doing, super busy. But as always I have much to be thankful for. Sable– a very sweet cat that will be missed greatly Remodel- moving along […]
Thankful Thursday

There are many things to be thankful for. We are still staying with my parents as our bathroom is being remodeled. I am thankful to have such generous parents who are willing to take us in for now over a month, eek. The weather has been fairly mild and the remodeling on the bathroom has […]
Thankful Thursday

A great week we’ve had this week so beautiful unusually warm weather in the high 70’s and then so icy cold days, but that’s Texas weather for ya. We are still living with my parents and construction on the bathroom has come to a stand still until the shower tile comes in, so I am […]
Thankful Thursday

I can’t believe I almost forgot my Thankful Thursday post, I mean how could I possibly forget. I love these posts. Its a great recap of a lovely week. Here we go. Remodel- we picked out and bought everything we needed this weekend!!! Martin Luther King Day- which also means a no work day, yea Presidential Inauguration-welcoming […]
Thankful Thursday

This week lots has happened and we have been extremely busy. We successfully moved in with my parents due to our mold issue and the contractor’s have begun work on the house, and we all survived, so far, lol…. No really it has been pretty good the boys took a few nights to get use […]
Thankful Thursday

It seems like forever since my last Thankful Thursday post, but is only been 2 weeks. Lots has happened and lots to be extremely thankful for. A New year- Welcome 2009! Bathroom remodel- we had a leak and now our entire bathroom has to be replace, I will be blogging as we go along, so […]
Thankful Thursday

This week officially starts my Christmas break and I am so happy about that. Unfortunately I came down with a terrible stomach bug yesterday and I am still recouping, blah. Christmas Break- 14 whole work days off, yea! Garden veggies Cold Weather- We had some freezing temps Work- DT has had plenty of work and […]
Thankful Thursday

This week has been busy and hectic, and sickly, but we made it through with much to be thankful for. Here we go. Santa- The boys had their first visit with Santa Claus [youtube=] Glad that we are feeling better- DT and I both had Strep throat, yucky Our First veggies from the garden. Mustard […]
Thankful Thursday!

I have so much to be thankful for this week! Happy Thanksgiving everyone. I hope your enjoying your day. My boys 1st birthday The boys getting baptized Thanksgiving Excellent food I would love to hear your Thankful Thursday post, so please share. And remember to link back to my blog. Just click the Mr. Linky […]
Thankful Thursday

I am back for my weekly Thankful post. I just love these posts, I think it really helps me keep things in perspective of how great life really is and how to appreciate every little thing. Rain – we have had lots of rain this week and we needed it so badly A fun weekend […]