Glitter Pumpkins or Gourds

The other day at the grocery store they were selling bags of gourds. Seems normal right? People use them for decorations, fall them baskets etc. So I grabbed 2 bags with the intention of decorating with them in my fall basket and then later saving some of the seeds in hopes to plant next year […]
5 mommies= 9 children!

So our play group has decided to start meeting at our local coffee shop which has a private room. This works out great at keeping the kiddos contained while we drink coffee, visit and the babies play. We bring toys and snacks and just pow wow on the floor. Its great. This week our play […]
Random thoughts of a SAHM

THis post is just some random thoughts off being a Stay ahome Mom, did I mention I just love my new title? Ahem… Well after I carefully planned out my first day as a SAHM and mostly stuck with my relative schedule things turned out smoothly. I mean it”s not like it’s my first day […]
Super big decision

Last Tuesday I made a big announcement at work, I’ve resigned from my job, put in my 2 weeks notice and have decided to become a stay at home Mom (SAHM). Super big decision. But one I know in my heart is so right. I’ve been struggling with this since I first found out I […]