Fun recipes for a 4th of July Party

Are you planning a 4th of july party or attending one? Here is a fun list of some really yummy and easy food ideas!! Star Spangled Watermelon Stars– how cute and simple is this idea? Banana Split Dessert– perfect for a party, light and so yummy. 4th of July Deviled Eggs– So festive! Simple […]
Top 5 Summer Vegetable Recipes

Summer seasonal fresh veggies are the best, I am obsessed with garden fresh tomatoes, zucchini, sweet corn and cucumbers. Nothing tastes like those bright, crisp freshness of summer veggies. Because it’s summer and all and I am dreaming of a summer garden, I complied this list of 5 summer veggies recipes, see the recipes and […]
Sangria Wine

“When friends come for a Saturday night, its nice to make some Sangria Wine, it’s organic and it comes from the vine, its also legal and it gets you so high” lyrics from none other than Jerry Jeff Walker, if you haven’t heard this classic click here. This recipe from my cousin Kaylynn instantly makes […]
I've been published!!

I’ve been published!! My recipe for Bacon and Broccoli Cornbread has appears in the on line monthly publication called the Paulding Family Times. It’s a publication for Paulding County, Georgia. Stacey a fellow blogger @ Mom Must Write writes a food and recipe article and was looking for breakfast ideas when I posted about my […]

Do you ever get a craving for a really great Margarita? You have got to try this, it’s called a Texas-tini. Texas-tini Why you might ask?; well because it is a blend of the ever delicious margarita but stronger like a Martini. Why Texas?, because I am kick ass like that. Just try it ok, […]