Pumpkin Roundup

It’s no secret I just love pumpkins, from recipes to decorations to pumpkin patches. Pumpkins just make me happy. So in the spirit of all things pumpkin next Monday I will be hosting a pumpkin link-up. Please share your pumpkin posts. Whether it be a recipe, decoration, pictures, a trip to the pumpkin patch, anything […]
Pumpkin Link-up

This will be at the top all week, so be sure to scroll down for new posts. Fall is in the air here in Texas and that means pumpkin time for me in my household. Every single muffin, bread, dessert, soup, and recently pasta I’ve cooked contained Pumpkin. There’s just something so right about pumpkins, […]
All things Pumpkin Round-up

It’s no secret I just love pumpkins, from recipes to decorations to pumpkin patches. Pumpkins just make me happy. So in the spirit of all things pumpkin next Monday I will be hosting a pumpkin link-up. Please share your pumpkin posts. Whether it be a recipe, decoration, pictures, a trip to the pumpkin patch, anything […]
Pumpkin Round-up and link up

Last year I was struck by a certain love and affinity for anything pumpkin. From decorations, food, desserts, soups, candy, pies, breads, plants. I just love me some pumpkins. This year is no different, except maybe now its starting a little earlier. Ever since I planted my pumpkins in the garden eagerly awaiting their growth, […]
Pumpkin Round-up

It’s no secret I just love pumpkins, from recipes to decorations to pumpkin patches. Pumpkins just speak to me. So in the spirit of all things pumpkin next Monday I will be hosting a pumpkin round-up. Please share your pumpkin posts whether it be a recipe, decoration, pictures, anything goes as long as it somehow […]