Back to School Photos- 1st Grade

My big boys are starting school next Monday 1st grade, and I took these fun, super cute photos of them and a school bus. I love these photos so much and though H may not have been so eager as the photo below shows, he turned out some really great photos and this mama couldn’t […]
My Photography Website

So happy to have this bad boy girl ready. My photography website. Come take a look around. My photography has had a wonderful response and I couldn’t feel more grateful for that, and for all the wonderful families that choose me to take photos of them. Each one holds a very special place in my […]
Mommy and Me Photo Sessions

I am doing a mini session that is very near and dear to my heart and just for Mom’s. A fun, relaxed and gorgeous photo session with your very own children. So I want to encourage all the moms out there to come to us get some sweet photographs with your child. Do it for […]
Bluebonnets and 10 months

The bluebonnets are blooming and gorgeous this year. A very sweet couple who take their time and effort to grow and groom these beauties have allowed me to use their bluebonnets to take photos. And it just so happens the babies are 10 months old! I know, I know in 2 short months I will have […]
Christmas Mini Photo Session

I love taking photos! Sometimes it’s nice stating the obvious. A-hem I did mini sessions for my photography business, hobby, job? Not sure which category it falls into. But I did Christmas Mini’s, and had to “practice” on my sweet darling, perfect picture taking boys. And by practice, I mean use every bit of patience […]
My new buddy

I took some pictures of my boys this lovely afternoon and I had a good reason, besides them being adorable. I got a new camera!! A Nikon D7000 to be exact. Oh this bad boy is my buddy. I may be slightly in love with it. But I am still learning all the ins and […]
Fall and Halloween Mini Sessions

I really love the idea of the quick, mini-session photo shoots. They are so fun to plan and I get a little too excited about them. I decided to do a Fall and Halloween mini-session together, all at once, yep, I might be a little crazy. Trying to get my 4 boys to take photos […]
Back to School Mini Photo Sessions

I took back to school photos of these boys today. They will be in kindergarten, try as I may to stop them, they keep growing. This back to school idea has been floating around in my head for awhile now and had to jump into action quick because school is starting soon. Where did this […]
Boys of Summer

As I set out to fulfill a new passion of mine, photography, well, I’ve had a passion for photography for quite awhile now, but I’ve decided to try my hand at taking pictures of and for other people and maybe make a little money even. Yes, I’ve decided to start doing photography for hire. As I was posting and […]
Maternity Pictures

I put off getting pictures taken long enough, I am officially 32 weeks along in these pictures and wow is time flying. I wanted to take some special family maternity pictures and I think they turned out so great. I will cherish these for a lifetime. Sorry for the major photobomb, but I love them […]