Emergency Room, Roses and Jilly Boo

Life is anything but boring around here that is for sure. Friday night while enjoying a evening at home, the boys were jumping on the furniture (the whole house doubles as a playground) when I heard that all too familiar head knock followed with a cry. I ran in to see Little H with a […]
Just call me a hole digger, burying person

I feel as though death has taken up permanent residence in our home…. In the past 6 months I’ve had more deaths than in the past 6 years; 2 grandparents, 1 pregnancy, 1 dog, 1 kitten, several chickens, tons of chicks and lots of fish. Just this week 3 deaths (1 chicken, 1 kitten, 1 […]
Random Thoughts Thursday

A couple of random thoughts on this Thursday Yesterday morning I awoke and found our sweet 13 year old Precious had passed away in her sleep. Truth be told, when we first brought her to our home, over 5 years ago, the vet said she wouldn’t live another 6 months, and every summer I thought […]
Best buds- Cricket and Chloe

It’s been a little while since I have posted about best friends Cricket and Chloe. It’s also been awhile since they’ve both been asleep in my house. They have been outside pets until the weather was cold and we felt sorry for them, bathed them and let them in out of the cold. By cold, […]
Little Blue Piper

In our household chicks come and go, lots of them. The boys have had quite the experience with them, you might remember this and this. But this little chick hatched all by herself, no little chickie bubbas or sissies. So of course she was a little spoiled. We named her Piper, (I was watching too […]
Hopeful Broodies

I realized the other day it’s been quite some time since my last chicken post, and I know how everyone just adores these posts. At least I think everyone loves my chickens posts? I can imagine can’t I? I like to introduce you to my two “hopeful broodies”. Broody is the term that means a […]
Like ducks to water

After much discussion the ducks have gone to a new home. A home that has a pond like any duck deserves, to be with water. Just t0 be sure. We let the ducks have their first swim the other day, they splashed and played and paddled. They took to it like ducks to water, I […]
The Chicken Wrangler

New skills are developing on “the farm”. The art of Chicken Wrangling has taken hold in Little H’s heart. His victim, Sally. While she doesn’t seem to mind being held for long periods of time I can’t help but laugh (and be proud) at his enthusiasm. My love of animals has passed down to my […]
Summer Garden week 2

We had two little helpers in the garden this week. DT was busy taking the planter covers off the tomatoes and Little H and Little W had decided to remove all the lady bugs from our potato plants. I tried to explain they were good bugs, but they just wanted to play with them. The […]
Tales from the Coop

Last week I did a tales from the crib post so I thought I would do one from the chicken coop. Cribs and Coops that about sums up my life lately. I spend lots of time cleaning each. As I’ve might have mentioned before chickens are such curious, funny, little personalities, they like to be […]