Hand prints = Mothering fail

There are moments during motherhood where you feel you are striving, really providing, and teaching your children well. Like, when they use manners and share their toys with others. I smile, yes, I am doing something right. Then there are moments when you feel like you have completely, utterly failed. Today I am writing about […]
Paci Fairy

Paci’s, Pacifiers, Binkies, cha-cha’s, all the names for the boys Paci’s over the years. I have a love/hate relationship with them. Love that they comfort them and they slept so well with their paci’s, hated the fact that they needed them and they are 3 1/2 years old!!! The boys, on the other hand, purely […]
Toy Organization

The boys’ closet and toys have been neglected for some time now. As embarrassing as it is to say, we used laundry baskets to throw their toys in, no organization, just whatever went where ever. It was a mess. A huge, annoying, thorn in my side mess. I finally had enough. After their birthday and Christmas our house […]
Laundry Basket Lockdown

As a mother I will admit that sometimes I need a breather, a chance to take a long bath, or read a good book, or watch a movie of my choosing. Unfortunately for me and most moms, that just doesn’t often happen. So listen up ladies, I’ve invented the best method of child distraction ever. […]
No Shame

At Thanksgiving on DT’s families side this year, Aunt Uba (DT’s sister) had the wonderful idea of bringing a karaoke machine for the kids to play with. Little H had lots of fun giving it a go, and lots of moral support from Little W, who is currently laughing at him. Did that stop H? […]
3 years of silly faces and sweet kisses

*Be sure to stop by the Meal Planning Giveaway this week* Happy 3rd Birthday Boys! So much has been packed into your three years of life. Much more than I will ever remember, therefore I blog. My memory of your first 6 months are a bit foggy, what a change we had been through, going […]
Toy Pile Daddy

The other night as I am cooking dinner, DT and the boys were playing in the boys room, but the boys kept running back and forth with the couch pillows and giggling so loud. I thought hey what’s going on, but didn’t really investigate since DT was supervising and all. After a while my curiosity […]
What’s that on your legs?

Yesterday morning the boys were playing outside in the back yard, while I was running (around the back yard), I stopped off in the house for a quick water and potty break. I mean heck they are almost 3 and there is absolutely nothing they could get into back there. You know where this is […]
Big Boy Beds

I was dreading the transition from cribs to big boy beds, but I finally put if off long enough, I mean they will be 3 in November. It’s just they slept so well in their cribs, I feared they would never sleep again. But luckily I was wrong. We set up two twin beds straight […]
Fun at the Water park

We took the boys to the water park last week, it’s our second time this year and it only 45 minutes away, so perfect easy day trip. They have several different areas that are perfect for different age groups, this one the pirate ship is perfect for the boys. They love sliding and climbing the […]