Fine Friday Morning

I have a couple of random thoughts to share with you on the fine Friday morning. Remember Chloe, I posted about her and Cricket yesterday. Well it got really cold last night dropping into the freezing zone, and I couldn’t find Chloe to let her in. I searched and called and called and searched last […]
Fall Garden planted

It’s that time of year again to get those lovely fall veggies in the ground. We started last by tilling the ground and adding in some compost. Then DT tilled up rows and I planted, and planted and planted. It seems that I have somehow convinced DT that I know what I am doing, and […]
The Caterpillar and the Fly

Lookie what I found in my tomato plants the other day. This caterpillar is literally as big as my index finger, probably a good 3 inches. The only reason I noticed it, besides if being so huge, was that it was flopping around, because apparently a fly was bothering it. I couldn’t figure out what […]
Summer Garden week 8

A week ago we had 8-9 inches of rain in over a two day period and it resulted in some damage to a few of our peppers and tomato plants, and we lost over half of our potatoes due to them being ready and we weren’t able to get in there to dig them up, […]
Summer Garden week 7 and new chicks

Every year around this time I start questioning why we plant so many squash, because they ultimately start to consume your life, there is only some much squash 4 people can eat. It never fails I think well let only plant 4 zucchini 4 yellow squash, but 4 turns into at least 8 each. Because […]
Summer Garden week 6

The garden is still growing and producing extremely well, we haven’t had any rain in what seems like forever so I am watering about every other day. I am also picking yellow and zucchini squash almost everyday and have had tons and tons. Good thing we just love it. I have some more zucchini recipes […]
Summer garden week 5

I haven’t posted about the garden in 2 weeks and man has it grown. Our weather has been extremely dry and we haven’t had any significant rains since we planted this garden over 5 weeks ago. But we’ve been watering about every other day and the garden seems to be liking it. That and it’s […]
Summer Garden week 2

We had two little helpers in the garden this week. DT was busy taking the planter covers off the tomatoes and Little H and Little W had decided to remove all the lady bugs from our potato plants. I tried to explain they were good bugs, but they just wanted to play with them. The […]
Summer Garden week 1

For the first time I can say WE planted the garden this weekend, usually DT does it by himself but he forced convinced me I need to give it a go. So I did and it was actually kinda fun doing it together. Not that I’ve never planted anything before, just not our vegetable garden. […]
Winter Garden week 21

Our winter garden is slowly coming to an end. WE DT has pulled and tilled almost everything, except for the broccoli and the cabbage. This years garden was a learning experience, it didn’t do nearly as well as expected because of our harsher than normal winter and tons of rain. Our cabbage never quite grew, […]