Top 5 Summer Vegetable Recipes

Summer seasonal fresh veggies are the best, I am obsessed with garden fresh tomatoes, zucchini, sweet corn and cucumbers. Nothing tastes like those bright, crisp freshness of summer veggies. Because it’s summer and all and I am dreaming of a summer garden, I complied this list of 5 summer veggies recipes, see the recipes and […]
1st 5K in 5 years

It’s been 5 years since I ran a 5K race, and at that race I also happened to be pregnant (with twins) and didn’t know it, yet. My friend Dory, asked me to run this race about a month ago, but doubting myself I passed. I said I couldn’t do it, I wasn’t ready. Still […]
Despicable Me 4th Birthday

Today is my babies’ actual 4th birthday. 4 years ago I was doing this. But, last weekend we had a fun party at our local Museum. We decided to do a Despicable Me themed party since the boys love the movie so very much. I also found this website that has the absolute best tutorials […]
A Tractor Birthday Party

We celebrated the boy’s 3rd birthday last weekend with a tractor themed party. We rented this “train” that you pull behind a lawnmower. Really that’s all they needed, they could have ridden this thing all day, it was a hit. We also had my niece’s bouncy house. and a tractor tire full of corn, and […]
Witches, Monsters, and Cowboys.

Our Halloween started Saturday with a fun trip to the carnival. We played lots of games and visited with friends. We even ran into a super Witch! Little W was not to thrilled about this witch (Brooke) so she had to make a quick exit. Then for Halloween the boys dressed up as cowboys. They […]
Easter Week

What a fun and busy Easter week we’ve had. Starting off with our playgroup Easter party. Yes that’s all 4 sets of twins and one singleton. All lined up, its a miracle. And the bounce house is a must. Later that day with our large number of fresh eggs, we had to dye some. The […]
Happy 2nd Birthday

This morning at 12:45 am, and 12:55 am the boys turn 2. I know it’s cliché to say but it’s so hard for me believe that I have shared 2 wonderful years with my little men. They have grown and changed so much in such a short amount of time and have filled me with […]
2nd Birthday Party

Well the boys had a great time at their birthday party, and I thought I would just post a few sneak peek pictures. Tomorrow is their actual birthday, so please expect lots of pictures and tons of emotional my babies can’t be 2 drama! My talented Aunt Sue Sue really out did herself with a […]
5 mommies= 9 children!

So our play group has decided to start meeting at our local coffee shop which has a private room. This works out great at keeping the kiddos contained while we drink coffee, visit and the babies play. We bring toys and snacks and just pow wow on the floor. Its great. This week our play […]
Sangria Wine

“When friends come for a Saturday night, its nice to make some Sangria Wine, it’s organic and it comes from the vine, its also legal and it gets you so high” lyrics from none other than Jerry Jeff Walker, if you haven’t heard this classic click here. This recipe from my cousin Kaylynn instantly makes […]