Lenten Season and Meal Ideas

During this Lenten season I am taking time to reflect on my life and how I can be closer to God. I am not giving up something like my old usual (sweets well technically I still am since I gave those up Jan 1st) instead I am taking on something. My Lenten goal is to […]
Superbowl foods

I have been drooling over Superbowl party snack ideas all week long with another week to go (Feb 7th). I have decided to create a list of some of my favorite must try recipes. Check them out, I promise you will be hoping and wishing for a great Superbowl party to take these too or […]
Fish Tacos with Lemon butter sauce

One of my favorite dishes at our local Mexican food restaurant Los Cucos is their fish tacos with homemade corn tortillas. Since we are eating a bit healthier lately I decided to try recreating this dish at home. I even made homemade corn tortillas, but I will save that step by step demo for another […]
Baked Cabbage

My Mom recently acquired this delicious recipe from a friend of hers and has made it several times since. In fact it’s the kind of recipe that no matter how many times you eat it you want more, at every possible occasion. In fact she served it at Thanksgiving and Christmas and I begged her […]
Christmas Treats Week

I’ve been on a bit of a baking spree lately and have all theses yummy Holiday recipes to share so starting tomorrow I will be posting a Christmas treat recipe each day this week. I will include a Mck Linky at the bottom of each post so please join in and share some of your […]
Cold weather foods

Lately we’ve had unseasonably cold weather for Texas. I am just not use to it. So of course all I want to do is cuddle in doors with my Snuggie and cook! Oh boy and have I been cooking. So I thought I would gather a collection of some of my favorite warm your belly […]
Friendship Casserole

This recipe is featured in my E-licious E-cookbook, stop by to see more details about the e-book and 45 yummy recipes. This is a recipe I love to make to either share with family and friends or freeze for ourselves. The reason its called Friendship Casserole is because it makes two 9 x13 pans full. […]
Mexican Chicken Stew

This weeks Food Network Chef’s Challenge hosted by I Blame My Mother is Dave Liberman. Haven’t hear of him? Neither had I but wow does he have some great recipes and also a show called Good Deal with Dave. I didn’t have to search long when I found his recipe for Mexican Chicken Stew. With […]
Happy Thanksgiving

I just love thanksgiving, all the pretty fall colors and cool air. Family and friends, so many things to be thankful for and not to mention the wonderful turkey, dressing and all the wonderful desserts. And can I get an Amen to NO gift giving. How much better can it get??????? With thanksgiving just around […]
Macaroon Pudding

My mom has been talking about this recipe for years, and I finally was able to pin her down to make it today for us. My great-grandmother Thompson apparently use to make this at all holiday meals, but I don’t remember ever eating it. It’s a simple basic recipe that using very basic ingredients, except […]