Menu Plan Monday

Summer vacays are in full swing, another super fun weekend with the family camping at Jellystone Park, it was so much fun. Lots of activities for the kids and not much down time for us old folks, but hey it was worth it. Up this coming weekend a water park camping trip, ole DT just […]
Top 5 Summer Vegetable Recipes

Summer seasonal fresh veggies are the best, I am obsessed with garden fresh tomatoes, zucchini, sweet corn and cucumbers. Nothing tastes like those bright, crisp freshness of summer veggies. Because it’s summer and all and I am dreaming of a summer garden, I complied this list of 5 summer veggies recipes, see the recipes and […]
Hello Fresh- Food Subscription Review

If you’re ready to try Hello Fresh, and don’t want to read my entire review, you can use my link to get $40 off your first box. <– That’s quite a deal! I have been getting the Hello Fresh food subscriptions for a about 4 weeks now, and have so enjoyed all the meals. It’s nice […]
Labor Day Food Ideas

I hope everyone has a fabulous Labor Day weekend, and, of course, has some delicious food to enjoy. Here are a few ideas to help your celebration. Banditio Dogs in the Crock-pot, an easy and delicious chili cheese for your hot dogs. Almond Joy Cake– want everyone to remember your name? Make this! How about […]
4th of July Food Ideas
With the 4th just around the corner, and all these amazing recipes posted from so many great bloggers, I decided to share a few of my favorites. What will you be serving for the 4th? Firecracker Float from Mrs Happy Homemaker Reese’s Peanut Butter Cup S’mores!, from Simple Girl Watermelon, Feta, Red Onion, and Olive […]
Easter Foodies

With Easter right around the corner I thought I would share some fun treats and eats from around the bloggy world. Natural dyed Easter Eggs from Olga’s Home and Garden blog. Aren’t these gorgeous! Chocolate Cabbage Cake, from Purple Chocolate Home. How cool is this cake, yes that’s a real cake, I am still in […]
Thanksgiving favorites

I may or may not have mentioned this before, but Thanksgiving is one of my absolutely favorite holidays. I mean there is plenty of delicious foods, family and no stress of gift giving. I also love a holiday designed around being thankful. I think we can all agree we each have so much to be […]
Labor Day Food Ideas

I hope everyone has a fabulous Labor Day weekend and of course has some delicious food to enjoy. Here are a few of my favorite party style foods. Banana Split Dessert (I will be making this for a Labor day party) *Recipe and Picture courtesy of Amy’s Finer Things How about a cold Corn Dip […]
Last minute food ideas

It happens sometimes, that you, have a spur of the moment guests ,and they are coming for lunch, like now!! So I threw together some grilling beans with a little seasoning added. Hey it’s last minute here they aren’t expecting the works. Sliced up a watermelon. DT threw some meat on the grill you know […]
4th of July Foodies!

4th of July is all about backyard barbecue’s and celebrating our nation’s independence. Of course we are planning a barbecue. So as I am preparing the menu and doing some searching around the internets I found so many great recipes that I just had to share with you. Just click on the links or pictures. […]